Miasteczko South Park: Koniec otyłości

Miasteczko South Park: Koniec otyłości 2024


W South Parku zyskują popularność nowe preparaty odchudzające, ale gdy Cartman nie otrzymuje zgody na skorzystanie z tej zmieniającej życie substancji, wraz z przyjaciółmi przystępuje do działań.


Zabawy z piłką

Zabawy z piłką 2004


Pracownicy oraz klienci zadłużonej finansowo siłowni walczą na turnieju gry w zbijaka. Wygrana zawodów pozwoli właścicielowi spłacić dług i ocalić interes przed bankructwem.


Dorwać Smarta

Dorwać Smarta 2008


W świecie tajnego wywiadu jest tylko jeden człowiek o nazwisku Smart. Steve Carell jest w Kontroli jako Maxwell Smart, świeżo upieczony agent, często traci grunt pod nogami ale nigdy nie traci pomysłu na walkę z groźną grupą przestępczą Kaos.


Zostańmy przyjaciółmi

Zostańmy przyjaciółmi 2005


Paul Crewe, była gwiazda futbolu amerykańskiego, trafia do więzienia Allenville, jednego z najcięższych w kraju, za jazdę po pijanemu. Naczelnik postanawia wykorzystać jego talent i każe mu zorganizować drużynę, w skład której wejdą więźniowie. Powołany przez Crewe'a zespół zmierzy się z drużyną strażników, na czele których stanie naczelnik. Początkowo osadzeni nie wykazują entuzjazmu, ale wiadomość, że ich przeciwnikami będą znienawidzeni klawisze, działa mobilizująco i wkrótce chętnych do gry nie brakuje.


Brittany Runs a Marathon

Brittany Runs a Marathon 2019


Utalentowana komiczka Jillian Bell, która wcześniej kradła każdą scenę w "Ostrej nocy" czy "22 Jump Street", wreszcie nie musi walczyć o uwagę. W przeciwieństwie do tytułowej Brittany, spłukanej dziewczyny bez perspektyw i idealnej figury. O tych właśnie problemach główna bohaterka usiłuje zapomnieć podczas kolejnej niekończącej się imprezy w towarzystwie swojej zapatrzonej w siebie przyjaciółki (Alice Lee). Po wysłuchaniu brutalnie szczerej opinii lekarza Brittany postanawia jednak zmienić swoje życie. A zanim to nastąpi, przynajmniej zacząć biegać, bo kogo stać na siłownię?


Waga ciężka

Waga ciężka 1995


Gerry (Aaron Schwartz), Roy (Kenan Thompson) i Josh (Shaun Weiss) co roku spotykają się na obozie odchudzającym. Ich dotychczasowe wyjazdy niczym się jednak nie różniły od zwykłych kolonii i nie pomagały nastolatkom w pozbyciu się zbędnych kilogramów. W wolnym czasie wszyscy zajadali się bowiem czekoladowymi batonikami i pochłaniali pizzę. Wszystko jednak zmienia się za sprawą nowego kierownika, ambitnego trenera fitness, który postanawia sprawić, by wyjazd odchudzający stał się tym, czym powinien być naprawdę. Jego postawa nie podoba się jednak młodym kuracjuszom. Szybko dochodzi do buntu.


Fed Up

Fed Up 2014


Fed Up obala wszystko, co myśleliśmy, że wiemy o jedzeniu i odchudzaniu, ujawniając 30-letnią kampanię przemysłu spożywczego, wspomaganą przez rząd USA, mającą wprowadzić w błąd i dezorientować amerykańską opinię publiczną, co prowadzi do jednej z największych epidemii zdrowotnych w historii.



Slimtime 2010


Film krótkometrażowy



Ruby 2008


Ruby is an American reality-documentary television series on Style. The series debuted on November 9, 2008 and follows the life of Ruby Gettinger who lives in Savannah, Georgia as she attempts to lose weight. On December 12, 2011, it was announced that Style has passed on a fifth season order of the series and it has since been cancelled.


Oh My Venus

Oh My Venus 2015


Dumped by her boyfriend of 15 years for gaining weight, a lawyer gets help from a hotshot personal trainer to get in shape and turn her life around.


My 600-lb Life

My 600-lb Life 2012


Telling powerful stories in hourlong episodes, TLC follows medical journeys of morbidly obese people as they attempt to save their own lives. The featured individuals - each weighing more than 600 pounds confront lifelong emotional and physical struggles as they make the courageous decision to undergo high-risk gastric bypass surgery. In addition to drastically changing their appearances, they hope to reclaim their independence, mend relationships with friends and family, and renew their feelings of self-worth.



Insatiable 2018


A bullied teenager turns to beauty pageants as a way to exact her revenge, with the help of a disgraced coach who soon realizes he's in over his head.


The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser 2004


The Biggest Loser features obese people competing to win a cash prize by losing the highest percentage of weight relative to their initial weight.


Mama June: Family Crisis

Mama June: Family Crisis 2017


June Shannon ('Mama June') gained fame as the mother of young beauty-pageant contestant 'Honey Boo Boo' (Alana Thompson) on various reality shows. With that notoriety came jokes from comedians and people on social media about her weight. Ending her marriage to Sugar Bear and facing health issues, Mama June wants to slim down so she can start a new life with a new body and, she hopes, a new love.


My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now?

My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? 2015


Check in on the men and women featured in "My 600lb Life." Since the show, have they maintained their weight loss and continued working toward their goals? We get an update on where they are now and what's changed since the show.


You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat 1970


You Are What You Eat is a dieting programme aired in various forms between 2004 and 2007 on British broadcasting company Channel 4, and presented by Gillian McKeith. The fourth series was called You Are What You Eat: Gillian Moves In.


Celebrity Fit Club UK

Celebrity Fit Club UK 2002


Celebrity Fit Club is a reality television series that follows eight overweight celebrities as they try to lose weight for charity. Split into two competing teams of four, each week teams are given different physical challenges, and weighed to see if they reached their target weights. They are monitored and supervised by a team that includes a nutritionist, a psychologist, and a physical trainer, the latter of which is former U.S. Marine Harvey Walden IV.


Fat Actress

Fat Actress 2005


Kirstie Alley's semi-autobiographical tale describes her struggles as a former television star with weight loss, getting roles, and finding love.


I Used to Be Fat

I Used to Be Fat 2010


I Used To Be Fat is an MTV reality series that follows overweight teens striving to achieve weight loss through means of diet and exercise. Each episode follows one teenager who is paired with a motivational personal trainer. A trainer teaches them new exercise and eating habits over the next few months while offering emotional support. Documented students share their personal trials and tribulations in the series. Several episodes of the show have covered a high school student's last summer before college. These students expressed a desire for a metamorphosis before they start their new lives away from home.



Huge 2010


Seven teens from different backgrounds attend a weight loss camp as they embark on their individual journeys of self discovery.


The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser 2005


De Afvallers is a Dutch reality television series which first premiered on SBS 6. The series is a spin-off of the American reality television series The Biggest Loser and the SBS 6 weight-loss series Big Diet, which was canceled after two seasons due to low ratings.


Shedding for the Wedding

Shedding for the Wedding 2011


They are two of the most stressful things in life - planning a wedding and losing weight. Ten overweight engaged couples will live together and battle for the wedding of their dreams over a three-month period. Every episode, the couples will face off in a big physical challenge, competing to win one element of their wedding - from the invitations, to the cake, to the rings. Whatever they win will be theirs to keep. Together, they will plan their weddings with the help of the nation's top wedding planners, they will take a vow to eat right and exercise, and world-class trainers and nutritionists will completely overhaul their bodies. At the end of each episode, the couples will step on the scale and be weighed together - the couple who lost the least amount of combined weight that week will be eliminated. In the end, one couple will win their fantasy wedding - a once-in-a-lifetime event - that America will attend.


The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin

The Way Down: God, Greed, and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin 2021


Explore how the late Gwen Shamblin Lara, who founded the controversial Remnant Fellowship Church and created the Christian weight loss program The Weigh Down Workshop, rose to fame as a diet guru and church leader.


1000-lb Best Friends

1000-lb Best Friends 2022


Four larger-than-life best friends battle morbid obesity using hard work, heart and a wicked sense of humor. This girl gang has had each other's backs since high school, and they share the secrets of their crazy yo-yo diet sisterhood.


3 Fat Brides, 1 Thin Dress

3 Fat Brides, 1 Thin Dress 2007


3 Fat Brides, 1 Thin Dress is a British reality television series hosted by Gillian McKeith that aired on Channel 4. Three brides-to-be are challenged to lose weight for a chance to win the dress of their dream.