Labirynt fauna

Labirynt fauna 2006


Mała Ofelia przybywa do domu nowego męża jej matki, kapitana Vidala. Dziewczynce trudno znieść surowość ojczyma. Przez przypadek Ofelia odkrywa w ogrodzie tajemniczy labirynt. Tam spotka Fauna, baśniowego stwora, który rozpozna w niej księżniczkę magicznej krainy, której grozi zagłada. Przed dziewczynką stoją jednak 3 mordercze zadania, które sprawdzą jej nieśmiertelność. Z czasem okrucieństwo zapanuje nad całym rzeczywistym światem.


Atlantyda: Upadek cywilizacji, narodziny legendy

Atlantyda: Upadek cywilizacji, narodziny legendy 2011


Wielkie trzęsienie ziemi na greckiej wyspie powoduje wybuchu wulkanu Thera z niespotykaną dotąd siłą. Mieszkańcy próbują ratować znajdujące się tam starożytne miasto.


Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki

Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki 2008


Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki was an Indian television epic series. Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki premiered on 9X July 7, 2008. It was a modern and westernized version of the epic Mahabharata and aired every Monday-Thursday at 9pm. It was discontinued much before its original completion date because of low TRP ratings & criticism from all quarters.


Young Hercules

Young Hercules 1998


The adventures of the ancient hero in his youth.


Mere Sai

Mere Sai 2017


The story of a man that travelled to Shirdi in early 1856 CE to be close to the resting place (Samadhi) of his guru. Through his spiritual journey and the support he showed to the people of Shirdi, his teachings became a way of life for people and that’s how he became Sai Baba.


Sabka Sai

Sabka Sai 2021


The Sabka Sai series narrates the chronicles of Sai Baba from his youth to old age. It even shows the sceptics who did not believe in the miracles of Sai at first, but gradually became believers. Sai Baba is known to bring people of all ages, classes, religions and genders together in the name of humanity. Propagating the message of there being only one God, Sai Baba’s teaching remains relevant even today.


Shiv aur Sati

Shiv aur Sati 2024


Discover the timeless saga of Lord Shiv and Goddess Sati's eternal love in the 'Shiv aur Sati - Ek Amar Prem Gatha' audio show. Unveil the sacred journey of their union and the timeless romance that transcends mortal realms. Tune in to this captivating podcast exploring Hindu mythology, spirituality, divine relationships, and the power of love.