Słowo kluczowe High School Girl
Okno na mordercę 2022
Po nagłej śmierci ojca, zrozpaczona nastolatka (Ella Newton) podejrzewa, że tajemniczy zabójca prześladujący jej rodzinne miasto może być nie tylko jej sąsiadem, ale także nowym partnerem jej matki (Radha Mitchell). Wokół dziewczyny zaczynają dziać się dziwne rzeczy. Kiedy w obawie o własne bezpieczeństwo wzywa policję, okazuje się, że jest to fałszywy alarm. Podczas drugiej interwencji funkcjonariuszy ginie przypadkowy, niewinny mężczyzna, a dziewczynie - mimo, że jest pewna przypuszczeń o bliskim sąsiedztwie mordercy, nikt już nie wierzy.
Schody życzeń 6 Szepty 2021
Eun-hee zostaje zatrudniona jako wicedyrektor w swoim starym liceum, gdzie w nieczynnej łazience dzieją się dziwne rzeczy. Licealista Ha-young i So-yeon, którzy używali łazienki jako swojej kryjówki, słyszą brzęczenie w pustej łazience i wierzą, że w środku istnieje duch. Ha-young odkrywa doniczkę na schodach i podejrzewa, że Eun-hee jest w jakiś sposób powiązana z tajemnicą. Cierpiąc na halucynacje podczas inauguracji, Eun-hee znajduje upiorną dziewczynę w lustrze w łazience i zaczyna wierzyć, że to ona sprowadziła ją z powrotem do tej szkoły…
恋は雨上がりのように 2018
L♡DK 2014
HLM Pussy 2024
時をかける少女 2010
ハナミズキ 2010
セーラー服と機関銃 1981
The Hot Flashes 2013
セーラー服と機関銃 -卒業- 2016
アズミ・ハルコは行方不明 2016
星の子 2020
いなくなれ、群青 2019
世界の終わりから 2023
アルプススタンドのはしの方 2020
The Nostril Picker 1988
母性 2022
Fragile.com 2019
Do nastolatki z marzeniami aktorskimi, pustym portfelem i złamanym sercem zgłasza się czarujący mężczyzna, który obiecuje jej sławę, fortunę i uczucie - jeśli zgodzi się nagrywać na żywo swój płacz dla jego niszowej strony internetowej Fragile.com.
Biologie! 1990
17.3 about a sex 2020
"The world average age for the first sexual experience... 17.3". Is that early? Late? Seno Sakura has a serious personality. Hara Tsumugi has never liked a member of the opposite sex before. Minagawa Yuna is experienced and is currently dating a company employee. At the age of 17, the girl's "sexual values" begin to fluctuate.
After the Rain 2018
Akira Tachibana is a soft-spoken high school student who used to be a part of the track and field club but, due to an injury, she is no longer able to run as fast as she once could. Working part-time at a family restaurant as a recourse, she finds herself inexplicably falling love with her manager, a divorced 45-year-old man with a young son. Despite the age gap, Akira wholeheartedly embraces his mannerisms and kind nature, which is seen as spinelessness by the other employees, and little by little, the two begin to understand each other. Although unable to explain why exactly she is attracted to him, Akira believes that a concrete reason is not needed to truly love someone. On a rainy day, she decides to finally tell her manager about how she feels... but just how will he react?
Girl Gun Lady 2021
Koharu is a dull high school girl who is always alone. Her only hobby is making plastic models. One day, Koharu stops by a mysterious antique shop and purchases a plastic model gun and a toy figure named Alice. After spending the entire night assembling the gun, Koharu wakes up and witnesses bullets flying everywhere in school. She then meets Alice who moves like a human and tells her to get ready for a survival battle called "Girl Gun Fight", where she has to attack her schoolmates with a gun.
Life 2007
Adapted from Keiko Suenobu's manga "LIFE," this drama delves into the dark side of high school life. The story focuses mainly on bullying, but the manga also touches on subjects such as self-mutilation, suicide, and rape. Kitano Kii stars as Ayumu Shiiba, one of the students bullied by a group of classmates led by Ayumu's former friend, Manami Anzai (Fukuda Saki).
The Girl's Speech 2015
Haruna Tsubame, an inconspicuous high school girl, is always sensitive to people’s moods and keeps the peace in school. One day, she gets pushed to become the president of the student council by the people around her. Tsubame's encounter with a man who is a genius speechwriter, leads to a revolution in school. She struggles to change a school full of irrationality and dissatisfaction with the power of words.
Zambi 2019
After the school bus breaks, the Freesia Academy students end up spending the night in a village in the middle of nowhere. But back at school, sinister things begin to happen. "In 7 days, we will be gone from this world".
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun 2006
High school student Hoshi Izumi loses her father suddenly in an accident. One day, Sakuma, the waka gashira of a small and weak Yakuza gang in Asakusa - the Medaka Gumi - pays Izumi a visit along with the gang members. The death of their former kumicho (Boss) puts Medaka Gumi on the verge of a breakup. Therefore, Sakuma begs Izumi, the former boss's only distant relative left, to succeed to the kumicho position. Izumi is taken by surprise and keeps refusing at first. However, she ends up becoming the 8th kumicho of the Medaka Gumi! The police tell her that her father's death may possibly be a homicide case. There's also Mayumi, a mysterious woman staring closely at Izumi's father's photograph at his funeral. The situation becomes complicated when the drug-dealing vicious yakuza, Hamaguchi Gumi, comes into the picture as well as Sandaiji Hajime, a politician whose public stance is to eliminate drugs.
Mean Girl Murders 2023
These real-life mysteries explore the dark side of female connections and rivalry: the inner workings of cutthroat cliques, vicious backbiting and cruel intentions. Who are the queen bees and the wannabes -- and who thrives on jealousy and gossip? Sometimes these dynamics lead to shocking acts of psychological and physical violence.