Robert Lennard Oto jest głowa zdrajcy French Dressing Niedyskrecja Człowiek w Dziczy The Kremlin Letter Alive and Kicking Dziewczyna inna niż wszystkie Shake Hands with the Devil Freud The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone She Didn't Say No! Podróż na południe The Looking Glass War Noc demona Zimne piwo w Aleksandrii No Time for Tears Helena Trojańska Small Hotel Przybysze o zmierzchu The House of the Arrow 1984 And Soon the Darkness Happy Ever After Zbereźnik The Battle of the Villa Fiorita John Paul Jones Hell Is a City Up the Junction Śmiech w raju Crooks in Cloisters Trema The Dam Busters No Trees in the Street A Walk with Love and Death The Silken Affair The Best Pair of Legs in the Business Wonderful Life Go to Blazes Hand in Hand School for Scoundrels Now and Forever Father's Doing Fine Look Back in Anger These Dangerous Years Girl in the Headlines The Weak and the Wicked Yield to the Night