Ava Gardner John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick Biblia Calling Dr. Gillespie Śniegi Kilimandżaro Trzęsienie ziemi Seven Days in May Skrzyżowanie Kassandra Mogambo The Sun Also Rises The Bribe Umarli nie potrzebują pledu Sędzia z Teksasu 55 dni w Pekinie Bosonoga Contessa Ostatni brzeg Wszyscy na scenę Shadow of the Thin Man Zabójcy Noc Iguany One Touch of Venus Lone Star Mayerling Kid Glove Killer Spotkanie we Francji Pandora and the Flying Dutchman Ride, Vaquero! Show Boat We Do It Because Strażnik Kapłan miłości Rycerze Okrągłego Stołu Two Girls and a Sailor Bhowani Junction Singapore Ghosts on the Loose Whistle Stop Chavela The Naked Maja Błękitny ptak This Time for Keeps The Hucksters My Forbidden Past East Side, West Side The Kidnapping of the President Miasto w ogniu The Ballad of Tam Lin Spirala śmierci Legends of the West Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood The Great Sinner The Little Hut The Angel Wore Red 3 Men in White Regina Roma Maisie Goes to Reno Ava Gardner, la vie est plus belle que le cinéma Du Barry was a Lady She Went to the Races H.M. Pulham, Esq. Rat Pack That's Entertainment! La noche que no acaba Kennedy, Sinatra and the Mafia Harem Fallout Sunday Punch Frank Sinatra glömde aldrig Finspång Hitler's Madman Young Ideas That's Entertainment! III Fancy Answers Frank Sinatra: The Voice of the Century The Kid Stays in the Picture De Madrid a la Luna Lost Angel On the Trail of the Iguana Ava Gardner, la gitane d'Hollywood Twenty Years After The Costume Designer Hollywood, la vie rêvée de Lana Turner I'm a Civilian Here Myself Strange Testament Mighty Lak a Goat La rabbia Joe Smith, American Blonde Fever Swing Fever Screen Actors Cameraman: The Life and Work of Jack Cardiff Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical History - The 1950s: The Golden Era of the Musical Året var 1953 Knots Landing Ślicznotka: Historia Brooke Shields The Long Hot Summer Intimate Portrait Harem Anno Domini Star Life What's My Line? Couples mythiques du cinéma