Hal B. Wallis The Adventures of Errol Flynn Tatuowana róża A Dream Comes True Show-Business at War Cavalcade of the Academy Awards Errol Flynn: Portrait of a Swashbuckler You Must Remember This: The Warner Bros. Story Casablanca Jezebel - Dzieje grzesznicy Sokół maltański Wagabunda Yankee Doodle Dandy Przygody Robin Hooda Hot Spell Doctor X The Return of Doctor X 5 Card Stud City for Conquest Blues in the Night Desert Fury Dziwna miłość Marty Ivers Samotny spacer Scared Stiff Brother Orchid The Furies Sprawa Thelmy Jordon Dark City Jestem zbiegiem The Accused Ostatni pociąg z Gun Hill Five Star Final Czarny legion Hollywood or Bust Earthworm Tractors Becket Rope of Sand Burzliwe lata dwudzieste Synowie Katie Elder Skamieniały las Paid in Full Air Force List The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse Prawdziwe męstwo Droga do Marsylii Confessions of a Nazi Spy So Evil My Love Invisible Stripes Larceny, Inc. KID GALAHAD Black Fury Bullets or Ballots The Stooge The Gay Sisters Follow Me! Angels Wash Their Faces Love Letters Red Mountain Easy Come, Easy Go Stolen Holiday No Time for Comedy Career Yes, My Darling Daughter Confession Desperate Journey Peking Express You Came Along Zaklinacz Deszczu The St. Louis Kid Saturday's Children Boeing, Boeing Mały Cezar Brother Rat and a Baby Visit to a Small Planet Sokół morski Devil Dogs of the Air Draegerman Courage China Clipper The Go-Getter Castle on the Hudson Nocna wyprawa Here Comes the Navy No Place to Go Virginia City Four Wives This Is the Army Captains of the Clouds Rhapsody in Blue Sergeant York Zwycięstwo nad mrokiem Trzy kamelie Sorry, Wrong Number Dive Bomber All Through the Night The Narrow Corner Wróć, mała Shebo Tatuowana róża Espionage Agent Torrid Zone They Made Me a Criminal The Strawberry Blonde Kings Row Out of the Fog Tovarich The Story of Louis Pasteur Slim Dames Bengal Tiger Bordertown Once a Doctor Red Sky at Morning The Perfect Specimen Journal of a Crime Jailbreak The Sisters Juarez Złota strzała It's Love I'm After Kapitan Blood The Green Pastures The Constant Nymph Another Dawn Prywatne życie Elżbiety i Essexa Człowiek, który przyszedł na obiad Straż nad Renem The Old Maid Wielkie kłamstwo All This, and Heaven Too Norwood One Way Passage Lawyer Man Mystery of the Wax Museum Blonde Crazy Jimmy the Gent Kusicielka That Certain Woman Men Are Such Fools Boy Meets Girl Trailin' West Ever in My Heart Loving You King Creole Błękitne Hawaje G.I. Blues The Cherokee Strip The Case of the Black Cat West of Shanghai Public Wedding Fugitive in the Sky Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet Cain and Mabel Man Wanted That Man's Here Again Road Gang Melody for Two Talent Scout Dodge City Hollywood Hotel Gold Diggers in Paris The Life of Jimmy Dolan Gold Diggers of 1937 Two Against the World Love Is on the Air Down the Stretch The Man with Two Faces Fly Away Baby Miss Pacific Fleet Torchy Gets Her Man The Dawn Patrol Torchy Blane in Panama Penrod's Double Trouble The Adventurous Blonde Murder in the Air It All Came True Four's a Crowd Underground Manpower A Midsummer Night's Dream Juke Girl California Mail Code of the Secret Service Torchy Blane.. Playing with Dynamite Smashing the Money Ring Torchy Blane in Chinatown Torchy Runs for Mayor On Dress Parade The Oklahoma Kid Hi, Nellie! Scarlet Dawn Give Me Your Heart Love Begins at Twenty Street of Women Murder by an Aristocrat Dark Hazard Heroes for Sale Central Airport Broadway Musketeers Accidents Will Happen Mystery House Over the Wall Private Detective Szlak do Santa Fe Umarli w butach The Charge of the Light Brigade About Mrs. Leslie The Perfect Marriage Anna tysiąca dni Missing Witnesses A Girl Named Tamiko Summer and Smoke Wild Is the Wind Pojedynek w Corralu O.K. September Affair We Are Not Alone High Sierra Mary, Queen of Scots The Sad Sack Ojciec chrzestny nie żyje Two Seconds The Mind Reader That's My Boy Rooster Cogburn Zabawa w Acapulco Jumping Jacks My Friend Irma Goes West My Friend Irma Sailor Beware Aniołowie o brudnych twarzach Crime School A Slight Case of Murder Gambling on the High Seas Each Dawn I Die The Male Animal Hearts Divided Green Light Girls! Girls! Girls! 3 Ring Circus Gold Is Where You Find It Honeymoon for Three Nine Lives Are Not Enough Stage Struck Tear Gas Squad I Married a Doctor Four Mothers Sweepstakes Winner Penrod and His Twin Brother They Call It Sin Colleen Navy Blues The Match King The Big Noise 'G' Men A Fugitive from Justice Blondes at Work Miss Pinkerton The Affairs of Susan Princess O'Rourke Boso w parku Cease Fire! Nancy Drew... Trouble Shooter Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase Nancy Drew... Reporter The Merry Frinks Waterfront The Adventures of Jane Arden Daughters Courageous Four Daughters The Fighting 69th Bequest to the Nation All in a Night's Work Don't Give Up the Ship Money from Home Artists and Models Footsteps in the Dark Affectionately Yours Dust Be My Destiny Paradise, Hawaiian Style Knute Rockne All American In This Our Life Ready, Willing and Able Elvis Presley: Poszukujący