Robert Stephens Anyone for Denis The Search for Alexander the Great Pełnia życia panny Brodie Travels with My Aunt Prywatne życie Sherlocka Holmesa Romeo i Julia Smak miodu Szachowe dzieciństwo Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment Charlie The Asphyx Ada dans la jungle La nuit, tous les chats sont gris Pojedynek Luther Henryk V The Small World of Sammy Lee Lunch Hour Pirates of Tortuga Ferdydurke High Season Lorna Doone The Inspector Les Jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz The Queen's Guards American Roulette One Fine Day The Secret Rapture Circle of Deception Imperium Słońca Birth of a Nation Wings of Fame Century Adam Bede Much Ado About Nothing The Fruit Machine A Midsummer Night's Dream Ten Days That Shook the World Horizontal Hold Puccini Julius Caesar The Children Afraid of the Dark England, My England The Winter's Tale Kleopatra Ill Fares the Land Ten papież musi umrzeć Comrades Wrzask The Executioner Nothing Like a Dame Fajerwerki Próżności Hesther for Example Much Ado About Nothing Inspector Morse The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes The Year of the French Fortunes of War Channing Hell's Bells Vienna 1900 BBC Play of the Month The Box of Delights Lizzie's Pictures Anyone for Denis? The BBC Television Shakespeare Dandelion Dead QB VII Unnatural Causes BBC Play of the Month The Mysteries Minder Holocaust Tony Awards Lady Killers 99-1