Lex de Azevedo Baker's Hawk Jesus, the Son of God John the Baptist David and Goliath Bread From Heaven The King is Born The Kingdom of Heaven The Good Samaritan Treasures in Heaven The Righteous Judge Forgive Us Our Debts The Greatest is the Least Saul of Tarsus The Ministry of Paul Abraham and Isaac Ruth Próba miłości My Turn On Earth Samuel the Boy Prophet Saturday's Warrior Elijah My Turn On Earth Where the Red Fern Grows William Bradford - The First Thanksgiving Beautiful People Saturday's Warrior Dream Machine Księżniczka Łabędzi 3: Skarb Czarnoksiężnika Księżniczka łabędzi Księżniczka łabędzi Księżniczka łabędzi The Prodigal Son He is Risen The Miracles of Jesus Saul of Tarsus John the Baptist Joseph in Egypt Daniel Esther Moses Elisha Solomon Joseph's Reunion Animated Hero Classics: Florence Nightingale The Tree of Life Journey to the Promised Land Abinadi and King Noah Alma the Younger The Joseph Smith Story Alma and the Zoramites The Brother of Jared Helaman's Stripling Warriors Samuel and the Sign Mormon and Moroni Animated Hero Classics: Thomas Edison Rivals The Children's Video Songbook Volume 1 The Children's Video Songbook Volume 2