Eddie Donnelly Mopping Up Bugs in Love King Neptune The Old Fire Horse The Mouse of Tomorrow Cubby's Picnic Galloping Fanny If Cats Could Sing Aesop's Fable: Happy Valley My Boy Johnny Blind Date Foofle's Train Ride Hair Cut-Ups The Famous Ride Hot Rods The Orphan Egg Happy Holland Bulldozing the Bull 'Sno Fun Rival Romeos Plane Goofy Billy Mouse's Akwakade How Wet Was My Ocean The Owl and the Pussycat G-Man Jitters Lights Out He Dood It Again Aladdin's Lamp The Green Line The Crackpot King My Old Kentucky Home The Super Salesman A Date for Dinner The Wolf's Pardon Lazy Little Beaver Mighty Mouse in the First Snow The Intruders Aladdin's Lamp The Power of Thought Triple Trouble The Lion Hunt Stop, Look, and Listen Law and Order Wide Open Spaces Barnyard Waac Chris Columbo Beanstalk Jack Mighty Mouse and the Magician The Dead End Cats Aladdin's Lamp Dzieci w lesie Warsztat Świętego Mikołaja Mrs. O'Leary's Cow The Nick of Time Their Last Bean A Bully Romance Here's to the Good Old Jail Housewife Herman Hook, Line and Sinker Swiss Ski Yodelers Mystery in the Moonlight Magpie Madness Hounding the Hares The Hitch-Hiker Dog in a Mansion Hare and the Hounds Just a Little Bull Horsefly Opera Ice Carnival A Dog's Dream Fishing Made Easy Slap Happy Hunters Back to the Soil Tire Trouble Shipyard Symphony Twelve O'Clock and All Ain't Well What a Little Sneeze Will Do School Daze A Torrid Toreador The Stork's Mistake Who's Who in the Jungle The Butcher of Seville The Port of Missing Mice The Catnip Gang The Helicopter Yokel Duck Makes Good A Day in June The Silver Streak Tricky Business The Two Barbers Dear Old Switzerland Fisherman's Luck Dinky Finds a Home Mighty Mouse and the Wolf Injun Trouble The Haunted Cat The Frog and the Princess Little Problems Aesop's Fable: The Watchdog The Exterminator The Perils of Pearl Pureheart Svengali's Cat At the Circus Winning the West The Kitten Sitter The Dog Show Mrs. Jones' Rest Farm Better Late Than Never The Beauty Shop Woodman, Spare That Tree The Mechanical Bird Aesop's Fable: Golden Egg Goosie Musical Madness Funny Bunny Business Camouflage The Happy Cobblers Nice Doggy Flop Secret Snappy Snapshots Growing Pains Open House The Timid Scarecrow Featherweight Champ Mouse Menace Pride of the Yard Pet Problems Pirate's Gold