After the Curfew

After the Curfew 1954


A hero of revolution returns to civilian life to find the new society very different from the ideals he fought for.


Dunia Gila

Dunia Gila 1951


Umar, who was kicked out by his father, lives with his two friends Maskur and Kumul. One day Umar helped a woman named Sutinah and then married her. Meanwhile, the father married a young woman who turned out to be the daughter of Sutinah, Umar's wife.


Hidup Baru

Hidup Baru 1951


Mukahar married a Marsih village girl. After Indonesia became fully sovereign, Mukahar and his wife moved to the city, but continued to live simply as if they were still in the village. This made his father angry. The father forces Mukahar to marry a city girl.



Marunda 1951


Jafar loves Malia, and ignores Zulaekha who has feelings for Jafar. And Kahar who also loves Malia, does not get a response from Malia. Approaching the Proclamation of 1945, Jafar married Malia. As befits a young man, Jafar plunged into the revolution. One day Kahar brought news that Jafar had died on the battlefield. So Malia married Kahar. It turned out that Jafar was still alive. Although initially angry when he heard that Malia married Kahar, Jafar was calmed down by Zulaekha. They got married.


Main-main Djadi Sungguhan

Main-main Djadi Sungguhan 1951


Yusuf's efforts to approach Erna (Netty Herawati) were thwarted by the girl's father's harshness, because the young man was still unemployed. On the advice of Kosasih (Rd. Mochtar), a fake marriage was held between Erna and another young man. Because no one was available, Kosasih finally carried out the fake marriage himself. Even though Kosasih already had a girlfriend, Komariah (Titien Sumarni), who Sutisna (Darussalam) also had a crush on. In the end, "playing around became real".


Rumah Hantu

Rumah Hantu 1951


Because he was tempted by Atmo's story from the city, Dul left the village. In the city, Dul and Atmo stayed at the house of Moh. Uskar who had a beautiful daughter, Hayati. After their money ran out, Dul and Atmo started looking for work. They never stayed in a job for long, and were always fired for doing something stupid. Uskar was finally thrown out of his boarding house, because he had not paid for food for two months. In that confused state, Dul and Atmo lived in a "ghost house", which turned out to be a gathering place for criminals.


Surjani Mulia

Surjani Mulia 1951


The Sadikin family had three girls with different personalities. Suryani aka Ani who was social, Suryana or Ana who was interested in art, especially drama, and Suryati or Yati who was arrogant. They got to know three young men, their next door neighbors. The three young men also had different personalities, but they suited the three girls.



Terbelenggu 1951


Even though he had a son and a daughter from Suciati, Samsu was still tempted by other women. His wife and two children were left in Yogya, then Samsu went to Jakarta. Because of her suffering, Suci was blind and worked as a massage therapist. Suci migrated to Jakarta, and happened to be asked to massage Samsu.


Sedap Malam

Sedap Malam 1950


Tells the story of a father who almost married his own daughter because they had been separated for years. The ex-wife then became a Geisha and died of a dirty disease.


Sepandjang Malioboro

Sepandjang Malioboro 1951


Hartoyo and Sanusi, who had been friends since they were TNI, registered themselves as development soldiers to be sent to Harapan Island. Sanusi's younger sister, Aesah, was Hartoyo's girlfriend. Sanusi's mother passed away and then Sanusi also passed away. This made Aesah like someone who had lost her memory, wandering "along Malioboro". Luckily Hartono returned and looked for Aesah.


Seniman Desa

Seniman Desa 1955


As a singer, Amalia is much loved by men. In addition to being beautiful, Amalia has also just received an inheritance. Jenal, who is only interested in Amalia's wealth, tries to approach her. Finally, Amalia finds out Jenal's motives and she chooses to leave the city and move to the village.


Bintang Baru

Bintang Baru 1954


Even though he was an orphan, Herman was serious about developing himself in the arts. Moreover, he received encouragement from Kustari, his mother's niece. Herman went to Jakarta to enter the film world. For a while, he stayed at Mukhsin's house. Later, Mukhsin was instrumental in bringing Kustari, who caught the attention of director Hendra. The pairing of Kustari and Herman was successful, the two new stars were liked by the audience.


Supir Istimewa

Supir Istimewa 1954


To get closer to Rukyah (E. Zaenah), a village girl he is interested in, city youth Kadir (M. S. Priyadi) disguises himself as a driver. Rukyah seems very difficult to tame, but finally succeeds, after going through a winding road. Among other things, Rukyah is accused of stealing a necklace, although it is later proven to be Kadir's mother's mistake.


Satria Desa

Satria Desa 1952


Kasim, a rich man lives by lending money by collecting taxes from the residents in his place, most of whom are farmers. In addition, Kasim also opened an illegal gambling place disguised as a coffee shop. As an attraction, the shop provided dancers and singers. In this way, many farmers, especially young people, were forced to borrow money from Kasim and most of the money they used to gamble which eventually returned to Kasim.


Holiday in Bali

Holiday in Bali 1962


While studying in the Philippines, Cokorde Gde Rai meets Angelo Reyes, who is planning to go to Indonesia to enhance his knowledge as a botanist. Before going to Bali, Cokorde takes him to sightsee, to Borobudur and other places. After a few days in Bali, Reyes’ girlfriend, Liza Presler, arrives. But there is a problem as Reyes has fallen for Aryani, sister of Suryati, who is the girlfriend of Cokorde. Liza tries to stand in between Reyes and Aryani, and she fails. At the end, Liza gets Raka instead, who initially proposed to Aryani, but failed as she had chosen Reyes.



Saodah 1956


While it is uncertain, the film is believed to be inspired by the story of Nyai Dasima, about the terrible fate of a rich widow who ends up as a murder victim because of her wealth.


Menjusuri Djedjak Berdarah

Menjusuri Djedjak Berdarah 1967


On the trail to catch the killer of his brother, Achmad easily defeats a bandit who challenges him. This impresses Citra, a child, who since then follows Achmad wherever he goes. When they come to a village threatened by robbers, Achmad stops and tries to solve the problem. One of the tough guys of the village, Wirya, notices Achmad and is impressed by him and Achmad’s religious devotion. He becomes friends with Achmad and asks him to agree to his condition not to bother Aisah, a village girl, who is actually in love with Achmad. Then the robbers launch a major attack, which Achmad repels. From the defeated chief, Achmad finds out that Wirya is the killer of his brother. Wirya admits killing Achmad’s brother, for committing crime and adultery.