A Idade do Gelo 2002
Durante a idade do gelo, um mamute lanudo solitário com um passado trágico junta-se a uma preguiça sabichona e a um tigre-de-dentes-de-sabre intriguista para devolver um menino de um ano ao seu pai caçador.
Durante a idade do gelo, um mamute lanudo solitário com um passado trágico junta-se a uma preguiça sabichona e a um tigre-de-dentes-de-sabre intriguista para devolver um menino de um ano ao seu pai caçador.
Um destemido astronauta despenha-se num planeta desconhecido, com uma paisagem não muito diferente das selvas terrestres. Para sua grande surpresa este planeta é habitado por macacos evoluídos, que falam inglês e por uma espécie primitiva de humanos.
Uma produção de orçamento gigantesco conta a luta pela sobrevivência num mundo onde as superfícies secas desapareceram com o super-aquecimento do planeta. Um homem que se transformou num anfíbio tenta proteger sobreviventes de um atol artificial enquanto combate piratas. Ele também quer descobrir se ainda há terra que não foi coberta pela água.
The history of mankind from prehistoric times to the 20th century.
Mankind The Story of All of Us is an epic 12-hour television event about the greatest adventure of all time—the history of the human race. It takes 10 billion years for the ideal planet to form and 3 billion more for the right conditions to emerge before it finally happens: mankind begins. From there unfolds a fast-paced story told here through key turning points—stepping stones in our journey from hunter-gatherer to global citizen. It’s a tale of connections—why some ideas take hold and spread around the globe, and how the lives of people in one part of the world are shaped by events in another.
Hosted by Jason Silva, Origins: The Journey of Humankind rewinds all the way back to the beginning and traces the innovations that made us modern.
Professor Robert Winston meets Lucy, the first upright ape, and follows her ancestors on the three-million-year journey to civilisation.
With the 00s now firmly in our rear view mirror, the decade is ripe for re-evaluation. From 9/11 to the financial crisis, the decade shows not only a period of turmoil in the United States but its also a golden age when the Internet hadnt been colonized by corporations, when social media was still young and fresh and when it was easy to make money.
A man named Shoichi Tsugami has lost his memories. He doesn’t know who he is, where he came from, or how he came upon his peculiar circumstances. Tsugami, seemingly for no reason, transforms into a powerful superhuman, Agito, whenever in the presence of the beings referred by the police as the “Unknown”, a race of powerful monsters that have been causing murders around Tokyo, targeting certain people as their prey. In response, the police department unleash their newest weapon: the G3 powersuit. G3 and Agito don’t know whether they should join up and defeat the Unknowns, their common enemy, or to combat each other, keeping the mysteries that entwine them separate. Ultimately, even more mysteries unfold, with the appearance of Kamen Rider Gills, who is on a search to uncover why his father committed suicide. These mysteries and others collide, as the true nature of Agito would ultimately determine the fate of humanity.
Mankind Decoded is the intriguing story of how 12 timeless forces have shaped human history in extraordinary ways. Find out how the implacable forces of nature have compelled us to adapt or die; how new technologies have transformed our existence; how our need for food brought forth civilization; and the desire for luxuries changed our world.
Which of the great primates of 25 million years ago is our common ancestor? Is it pierolapithecus? Follow the journey of primates developing into Homo erectus and then to Homo sapiens through the millions of years of evolution and the thousands of miles of migrations.