Natalie Kalmus Pin Up Girl Gypsy Wildcat White Savage Sudan The Cat and the Fiddle Streets of Laredo The Virginian Cleopatra The Shepherd of the Hills Por Quem os Sinos Dobram Red Canyon Margie Whispering Smith Calamity Jane and Sam Bass La Cucaracha Arabian Nights Irish Eyes Are Smiling Belle of the Yukon In the Good Old Summertime A Canção do Sul The Black Swan Modelos A Corda The Inspector General An Ideal Husband Do You Love Me Phantom of the Opera The Gay Parisian O Céu Mandou Alguém Easter Parade As Aventuras de Don Juan The Pirate Bonnie Prince Charlie Mrs. Mortimer Jones Prepares "Dinner for Eight" Untamed Bring on the Girls The Bill of Rights I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now The Spanish Main Memories and Melodies O Vento Selvagem Inconquistáveis Scott of the Antarctic Thrill of a Romance Formosa Bandida Ouvem-se Tambores ao Longe Joana d'Arc The Thief of Bagdad Doctor X Starlit Days at the Lido Penny's Picnic Leave Her to Heaven Agora Seremos Felizes