Bill Smitrovich O Contrato Homem de Ferro A Little Sex Renegades A Killing Affair Fail Safe The 60s Sete Vidas Mrs. Harris O Diário a Rum Muggable Mary: Street Cop Olhos de Lince O Bando da Mão O Fantasma A Busca pela Justiça Futuresport Crazy People Her Alibi Maria's Lovers Mr. Murder Ted Kiss Toledo Goodbye Bodily Harm The Beniker Gang Splash, a Sereia Gregory K Texas Justice We Are Gathered Here Today Jogada de Gênio Miami Vice: Brother's Keeper Batman do Futuro - O Filme The November Man - A Última Missão The Trigger Effect While I Was Gone Labor of Love: The Arlette Schweitzer Story The Game of Their Lives Ted 2 The Last Lullaby Joker: Loucura a Dois Around the Fire Minutos Contados The Golden Spiders: A Nero Wolfe Mystery Força Aérea 1 Crime Story: Pilot Valley of Bones The Reagans Black Widow Caçada ao Amanhecer Bitch Treze Dias Children of the Dark A Hora do Lobisomem Dia da Independência Fantasmas do Passado Key Exchange Born Beautiful Murder, She Wrote Eli Stone Batman do Futuro Castle The Nine Irmãos e Irmãs Touched by an Angel Donas de Casa Desesperadas Açao em Miami Dois Homens e Meio Fat Actress Lei & Ordem: Unidade Especial Without a Trace Quarteto Fantástico Crime Story Causa Justa Mentes Criminosas Millennium Boston Legal Life Goes On The Outer Limits The Event Intelligence The Last Ship Californication A Nero Wolfe Mystery Magnum, P.I. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Sobrevivente Designado Anatomia de Grey Anatomia de Grey Lei & Ordem God, the Devil and Bob Fantasy Island Penny Dreadful: City of Angels The Reagans MacGyver LAX Nash Bridges A Balada de Nova Iorque A Balada de Nova Iorque