Stuart Graham Michael Collins - O Preço da Liberdade Fome Omagh In View Song for a Raggy Boy As the Beast Sleeps Agente C - Dupla Identidade Parked Hideaways Small Engine Repair Milo À la Recherche de Toutankhamon Wolf Grabbers Christopher e seus companheiros A Patch of Fog A Coragem de Um Homem A Maldição da Floresta Aisha Peterman Parting Gift Misery Harbour The Occupant Awaydays Volkswagen Joe Make it New John Delatora Bad Day for the Cut Todas as Cores do Amor Brendan Smyth: Betrayal of Trust A Toupeira Sunday Os Curados O Estrangeiro The Informant The Interrogation of Tony Martin Scapegoat Made in Belfast A Belfast Story Mary Shelley Nó na Garganta The Attendant SOS: The Titanic Inquiry The Girl Cyclops The Good Word Occasional, Strong Tell Me a Creepy Story Smother The Last Post Waking the Dead Vera A Roda do Tempo Thirteen The Sins The Fall Egito Harry Wild The Secret Our World War 10 Days to War North Sea Connection Steel River Blues Professionals