Bud Thackery D-Day on Mars Sleepy Lagoon A Pele de Um Malandro Lieutenant Schuster's Wife Terror at Midnight Accused of Murder Split Second to an Epitaph No Man's Woman Santa Fe Passage The Man Is Armed Code Name: Heraclitus The Hanged Man Sun Valley Cyclone Alias Billy the Kid A Strange Adventure Sheriff of Sundown Daughter of Don Q Stranger at My Door Stardust on the Sage Respondendo à Bala The Fatal Witness The Claw Monsters Gangs of Sonora Code of the Prairie Panther Girl of the Kongo Trail of Kit Carson Wings of Fire Winchester 73 Thunder Over Arizona The Gay Vagabond Goodnight, Sweetheart The Girl Who Dared Man from Rainbow Valley Fair Wind to Java Outcasts of the Trail Saddle Pals The Blocked Trail G-men vs. the Black Dragon Manhunt of Mystery Island The Purple Monster Strikes The Phantom Rider King of the Forest Rangers O Fantasma do Homem Diabo Federal Operator 99 The Outsider Phantom Stallion San Antone Prince of the Plains Oregon Trail Sheriff of Cimarron Firebrands of Arizona O, My Darling Clementine Red River Shore Shadows of Tombstone Bandits of the West How I Spent My Summer Vacation Traffic in Crime Son of Zorro Here Comes Elmer Stranger on the Run Tammy and the Millionaire Tempos Modernos Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe The Vampire's Ghost A Comando de Marginais Nightmare in Chicago Valley of Hunted Men Beau Geste The Girl from Alaska Trader Tom of the China Seas The Slowest Gun in the West Bridger Did You Hear the One About the Traveling Saleslady? Flame of the Islands Man with the Steel Whip