Edgar G. Ulmer Metropolis Menschen am Sonntag O Golem: Como Ele Foi Feito Antinea, l'amante della città sepolta Antinea, l'amante della città sepolta Desvio Let My People Live The Amazing Transparent Man The Black Cat The Black Cat Tomorrow We Live The Strange Woman The Strange Woman Strange Illusion Murder Is My Beat Bluebeard Beyond the Time Barrier Ruthless The Man from Planet X Club Havana Damaged Lives Damaged Lives Carnegie Hall Jive Junction Sette contro la morte The Naked Dawn Girls in Chains Girls in Chains The Naked Venus Her Sister's Secret Daughter of Dr. Jekyll Isle of Forgotten Sins Isle of Forgotten Sins Grine Felder Moon Over Harlem Moon Over Harlem Babes in Bagdad My Son, The Hero The Pirates of Capri Annibale Thunder Over Texas Zaporozhets za Dunayem Fishke der Krumer Fishke der Krumer St. Benny the Dip Swiss Family Robinson: Lost in the Jungle Americaner Shadchen 4 Devils Goodbye, Mr. Germ Spiel um den Mann Der Meineidbauer Flucht in die Fremdenlegion Lady Windermere's Fan Merry-Go-Round Way Down South Afraid to Talk Os Nibelungos - A Morte de Siegfried Fishke der Krumer The Street of Sin Os Nibelungos - A Vingança de Cremilda Kleiner Mann – was nun? The Border Sheriff The Wife of Monte Cristo Let My People Live I Can't Escape They Do Come Back Cloud in the Sky The World's Greatest Sinner Diagnostic Procedures in Tuberculosis Sodom und Gomorrha Aurora The Black Cat The Black Cat O Último dos Homens Tabu: A Story of the South Seas O Último dos Homens Babes in Bagdad Die Finanzen des Großherzogs Die Finanzen des Großherzogs Prisoner of Japan The Wife of Monte Cristo My Son, The Hero Danger! Women at Work Corregidor Corregidor Aloha Sette contro la morte Gösta Berlings saga Queen Christina Os Espiões Yankl Der Schmid Natalka Poltavka From Nine to Nine Flucht in die Fremdenlegion Another to Conquer Hitler's Madman Hitler's Madman Goodbye, Mr. Germ From Nine to Nine Cloud in the Sky Cloud in the Sky Swiss Family Robinson: Lost in the Jungle Swiss Family Robinson: Lost in the Jungle The Secret Six L'amante di Paride Turbosupercharger: Flight Operation The Turbosupercharger - Master of the sky City Girl I cavalieri dell'illusione Minstrel Man Minstrel Man Minstrel Man Menschen am Sonntag Tabu: A Story of the South Seas Tabu: A Story of the South Seas Americaner Shadchen Die freudlose Gasse The Astrologer So Young, So Bad