Diane Eskenazi Miracle In Toyland O Quebra-Nozes Maluco The Emperor's Treasure Camelot - A Espada Mágica Beauty and the Beast Anastasia The Red Shoes The Red Shoes O Quebra-Nozes Maluco The Night Before Christmas The Little Mermaid Tarzan of the Apes Tarzan of the Apes Tarzan of the Apes A Ilha do Tesouro A Ilha do Tesouro Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast O Príncipe e o Pobre O Príncipe e o Pobre O Príncipe e o Pobre Miracle In Toyland Miracle In Toyland Pocahontas Pinocchio The Princess Castle The Legend of Su-Ling As Viagens de Gulliver Jungle Book Pinocchio Anastasia The Three Musketeers A Arca de Noé The Night Before Christmas A Tale of Egypt Tom e Thumbelina os Polegarzinhos The Christmas Elves As Novas Aventuras de Peter Rabbit O Rei da Selva The Legend of Su-Ling O Corcunda de Notre Dame A Arca de Noé The Great Easter Egg Hunt Branca de Neve Branca de Neve The Red Shoes The Red Shoes The Emperor's Treasure The Emperor's Treasure The Great Easter Egg Hunt The Great Easter Egg Hunt Hercules The Wizard of Oz Sinbad Sinbad Sinbad The Legend of Atlantis Branca de Neve Aladdin Aladdin As Viagens de Gulliver