Judd Hirsch Uma Mente Brilhante Dia da Independência King of the Gypsies Escola da Desordem I Love Liberty Rocky Marciano Going, Going, Almost Gone! Animals in Danger Gente Como a Gente iMordecai Sequestro Sem Pistas Running on Empty Aqui é o Meu Lugar Alta Golpada Zeyda and the Hitman Silent Witness Polish Bar Out of the Cold Isaac in America: A Journey with Isaac Bashevis Singer The Halloween That Almost Wasn't Hollywood Stargirl The Red Robin The Great Escape II: The Untold Story Sharknado 2 Fear on Trial The Law The Fabelmans: A Family in Film Coney Island The Keegans Jump First Steps Connescence The Legend of Valentino Another Day: The Making of 'Independence Day: Resurgence' Resurgence: It's Early Albuquerque Homem na Lua Sex, Censorship and the Silver Screen The 1964 World's Fair She Said No Sooner or Later O Dia da Independência: Nova Ameaça The Goodbye People Must See TV: An All Star Tribute to James Burrows Brother's Shadow Brotherly Love Serpico Os Marretas Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) Burning at Both Ends Diamante Bruto Color of Justice Summer Camp Island The Making of 'Independence Day' A Deadly Legend Marriage Is Alive and Well Lights: The Miracle of Chanukah Betrayal of Trust Showing Up Os Fabelmans Night of 100 Stars Rally Caps The December Cross Fantasy Life Stay Forte The Tony Danza Show Numb3rs Family Guy Rhoda Taxi E! True Hollywood Story Law & Order: Criminal Intent Family Law Dear John Delvecchio Medical Story Street Time George & Leo Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip Detective in the House Extrapolações Lei & Ordem: Unidade Especial Regular Joe American Dad! Saturday Night Live Forever: Uma Vida Eterna Perception Warehouse 13 The Real Jesus of Nazareth Jimmy Kimmel Live! A Teoria do Big Bang Tony Awards Superior Donuts The Good Wife: Pelo Direito de Recomeçar Cosmos Late Night with Seth Meyers Modern Love American Experience Tom Goes to the Mayor Generation Gap The Goldbergs Damages The Great Escape II: The Untold Story LIVE with Kelly and Mark Lei & Ordem: Unidade Especial Stars in the House God Friended Me Hunters Tony Awards Big Mouth Columbo Caroline in the City Tony Awards Prémios Globos de Ouro