Cuvânt cheie Dysfunctional Marriage
Ape adânci 2022
APE ADÂNCI ne poartă în căsnicia unui cuplu perfect, Vic (Affleck) şi Melinda (de Armas) Van Allen, unde descoperim ce jocuri psihologice periculoase joacă şi ce se întâmplă cu cei prinşi în mijlocul lor.
Domnul și doamna Smith 2005
John și Jane Smith par a fi un cuplu obișnuit, dar se dovedește că sunt asasini secreți și niciunul nu știe de secretul celuilalt până când devin ținte unul pentru celălalt. În timp ce încearcă să se elimine reciproc, descoperă mai multe despre partenerul lor decât în toți anii lor de căsnicie.
Frumusețea americană 1999
Lester Burnham, un tată cu depresie în criza de la mijlocul vieții, decide să-și întoarcă viața agitată după ce dezvoltă o pasiune absurdă pentru prietena atractivă a ficei lui.
Ultimul samaritean 1991
Furtuna de foc 2008
Locotenentul Caleb Holt se confruntă cu vechea lege nescrisă a pompierilor: să nu-ți abandonezi niciodată partenerul! Când se află în interiorul clădirilor în flăcări se lasă întotdeauna ghidat de extraordinarul său instinct. Cu căsnicia sa, însă, e altă poveste. După un deceniu de căsătorie, Caleb și Catherine Holt s-au îndepărtat atât de mult unul de altul, că sunt gata să se despartă. Și în timp ce se pregătesc de divorț, tatăl lui Caleb îl roagă pe fiul său să încerce un experiment pe care-l numește "Provocarea dragostei". Deși speră că această nouă provocare nu are nimic de-a face cu noua convingere religioasă a părinților, Caleb o acceptă. Va putea el să-și iubească soția, în timp ce evită dragostea pe care i-o arată Dumnezeu? Va fi el în stare să-și demonstreze din nou dragostea pentru o persoană care-i refuză sentimentele? Sau, pur și simplu, e vorba despre altă căsnicie care se duce de râpă?
Un cuplu perfect 2010
Contrar dorinței tatălui, David, moștenitor al afacerii cu imobiliare, alege o soție de clasă mijlocie pe nume Katie. Aceasta dispare, iar David devine suspect de crimă.
Zandalee 1991
Pe cine iubesc 2014
În pragul despărțirii, Ethan și Sophie evadează într-o casă de vacanță frumoasă pentru o escapadă de sfârșit de săptămână în încercarea de a-și salva căsnicia. Ceea ce începe ca o retragere romantică și distractivă devine în curând suprarealist, când o descoperire neașteptată îi obligă pe cei doi să se examineze pe ei înșiși, relația și viitorul lor.
Cougars, Inc. 2011
Blue Sky 1994
六月の蛇 2003
L'immoralità 1978
O mare de sentimente 2015
Față în față 1976
Jenny Isaksson și soțul ei sunt doi străluciți psihiatri. Într-o bună zi, femeia începe să aibă viziuni și sentimente chinuitoare, care o vor transforma din medic, în pacient.
The Sopranos 1999
The story of New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads. Those difficulties are often highlighted through his ongoing professional relationship with psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi. The show features Tony's family members and Mafia associates in prominent roles and story arcs, most notably his wife Carmela and his cousin and protégé Christopher Moltisanti.
Hidden Truths 2 2021
With no money and a sick young son, Angel returns to the underworld of fashion and luxury. Giovanna believes that Angel killed her father and will do anything to put her in jail. As a result, they start a personal war, which involves Cristiano, a private investigator.
In Later Years 2023
Living the life that others want, but also finding the ideal life for yourself. A panoramic view of the internal and external crises faced by the mature generation, and a “Ukiyo-e” style opening of the warmth and sadness of Chinese families.
You Me Her 2016
An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.
Emperatriz 2011
Emperatriz is a Mexican telenovela produced by Fides Velasco for Azteca. It stars Gabriela Spanic as the title character, while Bernie Paz as the male lead. Other casts include Sergio de Bustamante, Julieta Egurrola, Adriana Louvier, Marimar Vega, Miriam Higareda, Alberto Guerra, Rafael Sanchez Navarro and Carmen Delgado. Omar Fierro made special appearance in the first five episodes, and later returns in the final part of the series.[1] The filming process took place between 17 March 2011 - 30 September 2011. The series premiered on 5 April 2011, 19 days after filming the first scene, at 8:30pm, occupying Prófugas del Destino's slot, and ended on 8 November 2011. Emperatriz is also known as most selling telenovela of 2011.
XHDЯBZ. The show was a Mexican sitcom produced by Televisa and broadcast by the Canal de las Estrellas network. XHDRBZ emulates a television channel that broadcasts sketches. When a sketch finished, credits were shown, like in a real television program. XHDЯBZ was created by Eugenio Derbez in 2002, whose series marked his debut as producer. The show ran for two seasons since 2002, until 2006. Derbez ended production, choosing to expand one of the show's most popular segments, la Familia P.Luche, into its own hour-long show. Both shows are broadcast in the United States on the Galavisión network. Today the show is transmitted in Latin America and Europe.
Potter 1979
The time has come for Redvers Potter to relinquish his role as head of the family confectionary firm, Pottermints - his company has been taken over and he is now going into enforced retirement. His wife, Aileen, is not too happy about having her husband under her feet either, but Potter is determined to make the most of his retirement. He decides he will give people the benefit of his managerial experience - even if they don't want it.
Satisfaction 2014
A provocative drama that explores modern marriage at its midpoint. Through the lens of one couple, Neil Truman and his wife, Grace, this series answers the question, “What do you do when having it all is not enough?” by delving into their shocking and unconventional choices.
The Neighbours 2006
While married couples live side by side, but temperament, opinions and ways of life are quite different. They experience humorous situations based on misunderstandings and coincidences that life brings.
The Secret 1993
Chikako Kaku and Shiro Sano of "I've Always Liked You" (1992) co-star again in a shocking film that depicts the extreme love-hate between a man and a woman with a strong touch of suspense on the theme of marriage. Mario's eccentricities played by Sano attracted even more attention, with the highest viewership of 33.7%. The main character, Kanako (Chikako Kaku), marries her beloved and starts a happy life. Next to it, his former lover, Mario, who abandoned himself, moves in and says that he wants to try again ... The strange love and relationships that begin here, and the "terrifying reverse tama man" Mario extends the devil's hand not only to Kanako but also to her husband. However, Mario was also unaware of his wife's gaze that burned with jealousy of him ... The secret hidden in a love marriage that "cannot be told to anyone" is gradually revealed. The theme song was written by Yumi Matsutoya for the first time in 17 years and became a big hit "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
The Mind of the Married Man 2001
The Mind of the Married Man is a television series that ran on the HBO network for two seasons consisting of twenty episodes between September 2001 and November 2002. The story attempts to focus on the challenges of modern-day married life from a male perspective. The show drew mixed reviews from critics, but was popular with a loyal audience. After creator/star Mike Binder went on to find success with the 2005 theatrical film The Upside of Anger there was talk of bringing back a third season which Binder had already written. The third season never materialized and as yet only the first season has been released on DVD. The theme song was the title song of the musical I Love My Wife, written by Cy Coleman and Michael Stewart.