Cuvânt cheie Street Fighter
Hai! Ne Batem! 2009
Când Shawn MacArthur, un escroc ce vinde marfă contrafăcută în New York, îl cunoaște pe Harvey Boarden, un antrenor de lupte de stradă, întreaga viață i se schimbă.
ストリートファイター II MOVIE 1994
Luptătorul stradal: Legenda lui Chun-Li 2009
Chun-Li, o adolescentă normală, este martoră la răpirea tatălui ei de către M. Bison, un temut cap mafiot. Ajunsă la maturitate, frumoasa Chun-Li pleacă în căutarea dreptății, devenind astfel faimoasa luptătoare justițiară a universului Street Fighter.
Hard Times 1975
The Street Fighter 1974
Terry Tsuguri (Sonny Chiba) este un asasin cu sânge rece desemnat de Yakuza pentru a scoate din închisoare un criminal condamnat. Își duce la bun sfârșit misiunea, dar clienții săi refuză să-l plătească pentru asta. După cum se dovedește curând, a fost o mare greșeală, pentru că Terry își schimbă partea și recurge la o răzbunare sângeroasă...
超級學校霸王 1993
黑拳 2006
帰って来た女必殺拳 1975
街头之王 2012
Bowery Blitzkrieg 1941
匯峰號黃金大風暴 1979
VS 2024
Street Fighter 1995
A new challenger approaches with this Street Fighter II The Animated Series boxed set which contains both seasons of the television series! Discipline! Justice! Commitment! That's the code that the secret international peacekeeping force "Street Fighter" adheres to! Made up of the top martial artists from around the world, Street Fighter opposes criminal activities anywhere, at any time. William F. Guile, the leader of Street Fighter, conducts himself with honor even as he blows away bad guys at the speed of sound with his "Sonic Boom"! Meanwhile, the bestial Blanka shocks his opponents all too literally, and Chun-Li's furiously flying fleet feet take down anything that gets between her and justice! They'll need all the help they can get against the villainous Shadaloo, whose leader M.Bison is one of the strongest, most vile criminals around! Fortunately for Street Fighter, they've got Ryu and Ken to back them up.
Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist 2014
A multi-layered series that looks back to the formative years of Ryu and Ken as they live a traditional warrior's life in secluded Japan.
Street Fighter: Resurrection 2016
The long-presumed dead Charlie Nash is back, and is targeting legendary Street Fighter champions for mysterious reasons. Ken and Ryu must uncover his lethal plan and discover if he is ally or enemy.