Kingsman: Serviciul secret

Kingsman: Serviciul secret 2015


Bazat pe renumita revistă de benzi desenate și regizat de Matthew Vaughn, Kingsman: Serviciul Secret este povestea unei organizații de spionaj supersecrete care recrutează un puști de pe străzi, nerafinat, dar promițător, pentru a face parte dintr-un program de instruire ultra-competitiv, exact în momentul când un geniu nebun al tehnologiei lansează o amenințare globală.


Discursul regelui

Discursul regelui 2010


Bazat pe o poveste adevărată, Discursul regelui descrie relația de prietenie care se leagă între cel care avea să devina regele George al VI-lea și Lionel Longue, un logoped mai puțin obișnuit. Chinuit de dificultatea de a articula cuvintele și, prin urmare, și de teama de a apărea în public, George se vede nevoit să facă față îndatoririlor regale după ce fratele sau abdică în urma unui mariaj nedorit de casa regală. Cel care îl vă ajuta să-și articuleze gândurile fară probleme în fata națiunii și să conducă țara prin cel de-al doilea Război Mondial este excentricul Lionel, un logoped care face apel la metode bizare, dar cu rezultate miraculoase.



Favorita 2018


Este o poveste dulce-amăruie despre intrigi regale, pasiune, invidie și trădare în curtea reginei Anne la începutul secolului al XVIII-lea, în Anglia.



Brazil 1985


Sam Lowry e un tehnocrat chinuit, într-o lume retro-viitoare. În timp ce încearcă să corecteze o greșeală administrativă, el o întâlnește pe femeia visurilor sale.



Regina 2006


Atunci cand vestea mortii Printesei Diana, fara nicio indoiala, cea mai cunoscuta femeie din lume, cade asupra unui public britanic socat si neincrezator, Regina Elisabeta II se retrage intre zidurile Castelului Balmoral cu familia sa, incapabila de a intelege reactia publicului la nenorocire. Pentru Tony Blair, popularul si nou alesul Prim Ministru, nevoia poporului de siguranta si sprijin, este palpabila. Cu cat rabufnirea emotionala fara precedent creste in intensitate, Blair trebuie sa gaseasca un mod de a o reuni pe iubita Regina, cu poporul britanic.


Velvet Goldmine

Velvet Goldmine 1998


A trecut aproape un deceniu de când superstarul glam-rock Bowiesque, Brian Slade, a scăpat de lumina reflectoarelor scenei londoneze. Acum, jurnalistul de investigație Arthur Stuart are misiunea de a descoperi adevărul din spatele enigmaticului Slade. Stuart, el însuși creat de muzica anilor 1970, explorează vedetele mai mari decât viața care au fost cândva idolii săi și ce s-a întâmplat cu ei de la începutul noului deceniu.



Kes 1970



The Professionals

The Professionals 1977


The lives of Bodie and Doyle, top agents for Britain's CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), and their controller, George Cowley. The mandate of CI5 was to fight terrorism and similar high-profile crimes. Cowley, a hard ex-MI5 operative, hand-picked each of his men. Bodie is a cynical ex-SAS paratrooper and mercenary whose nature ran to controlled violence, while his partner, Doyle, comes to CI5 from the regular police force, and is more of an open minded liberal. Their relationship is often contentious, but they are the top men in their field, and the ones to whom Cowley always assigned to the toughest cases.


The Avengers

The Avengers 1961


The Avengers is a British television series created in the 1960s. It initially focused on Dr. David Keel and his assistant John Steed. Hendry left after the first series and Steed became the main character, partnered with a succession of assistants. His most famous assistants were intelligent, stylish and assertive women: Cathy Gale, Emma Peel and Tara King. Later episodes increasingly incorporated elements of science fiction and fantasy, parody and British eccentricity.



Timeshift 2002


Documentary series which ranges widely over Britain's social and cultural history, its narrative-led storytelling offering a richly immersive and varied window onto the past.



Dalgliesh 2021


A recent widower and acclaimed poet, enigmatic Inspector Adam Dalgliesh employs his exceptional empathy and insight to plumb the darker depths of the human psyche while investigating complex crimes in 1970s England.


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 1979


George Smiley, the aging master spy of the Cold War and once heir apparent to Control, is brought back out of retirement to flush out a top level mole within the Circus. Smiley must travel back through his life and murky workings of the Circus to unravel the net spun by his nemesis Karla 'The Sandman' of the KGB and reveal the identity of the mole before he disappears.


Walks with My Dog

Walks with My Dog 2017


Celebrities take a stroll in the great British outdoors with their faithful hound.


The Railway: Keeping Britain On Track

The Railway: Keeping Britain On Track 2013


Documentary series revealing the inner workings of Britain's railways, introducing the track-workers, train guards, drivers, police officers and management teams determined to keep the country moving.


Secrets of Great British Castles

Secrets of Great British Castles 2015


Historian Dan Jones explores the millennium of history behind six of Great Britain's most famous castles: Warwick, Dover, Caernarfon, the Tower of London, Carrickfergus, and Stirling.


The 80s with Dominic Sandbrook

The 80s with Dominic Sandbrook 2016


Dominic Sandbrook takes a fresh look at a dynamic decade. 1980s Britain changed in everything from politics and sport to fashion and popular culture.


The Great British Dig: History In Your Garden

The Great British Dig: History In Your Garden 2021


Hugh Dennis and a team of expert archaeologists excavate back gardens around Britain, in an attempt to uncover the lost history buried beneath our lawns and flower beds


The Witches and the Grinnygog

The Witches and the Grinnygog 1983


When a family come into possession of a statue called The Grinnygog, a trio of benevolent witches are summoned to the village where they live.


Portillo's Hidden History of Britain

Portillo's Hidden History of Britain 2018


Portillo's Hidden History of Britain sees former UK politician Michael Portillo investigating abandoned buildings around Britain.


Oz & James Drink to Britain

Oz & James Drink to Britain 2009


Oz Clarke and James May travel through Britain and Ireland to discover the amazing array of drinks that is on offer.


The Real Dad's Army

The Real Dad's Army 2006


Using witness testimony, archive and archaeological evidence, this three-part series reveals the untold story of the preparations to defend World War Two Britain by the Home Guard.


Secret Britain

Secret Britain 2010


Exploring the hidden corners of the UK in search of the best the countryside has to offer.


Robbie Coltrane: B-Road Britain

Robbie Coltrane: B-Road Britain 2007


Robbie Coltrane has set himself a challenge to take a road trip across a Britain that we don't normally see. The route is from Scotland to the tip of Cornwall, stopping off at various locations - all on the scenic 'B' roads.


Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty

Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty 2014


Acclaimed historian Dan Jones tells the story of the dynasty who ruled England and much of France during the Middle Ages. More shocking, brutal and exhilarating than Game of Thrones, these events actually happened.


Timothy Spall: All at Sea

Timothy Spall: All at Sea 2012


Timothy Spall and his wife Shane are back on board their beloved barge the Princess Matilda as they conclude their trip around the British coast.