
Santinela 2006


Unui agent de serviciu secret i se înscenează că este un informator într-o încercare de asasinare a președintelui. El trebuie să-și curețe numele și să zădărniceaacă o altă încercare de asasinare în timp ce fuge de un agent neobosit de la Biroul Federal de Investigații (FBI).


Air Force One

Air Force One 1997


Pe ruta de întoarcere spre SUA, la bordul celui mai sigur avion din lume, Forța Aeriană Unu (Air Force One), Marshall si personalul său descoperă cu stupoare că unul dintre jurnaliștii care îi însoțește este nimeni altul decât Korshunov, deghizat în reporter. Alături de trei parteneri de-ai săi, Korshunov deturnează avionul luându-l ostatic pe președinte, precum și pe soția si fiica acestuia. Marshall trebuie să-și păstreze stăpânirea de sine, sângele rece și să dea dovadă de inteligență pentru a dejuca planurile teroriștilor.


Fiica președintelui

Fiica președintelui 2004


Fiica președintelui SUA insistă să meargă la facultate ca orice student normal. Dar când tatăl tău e liderul lumii libere, „normal” e un cuvânt relativ.


Povestea mea

Povestea mea 2020


Michelle Obama, fosta primă-doamnă a SUA, ne invită într-un documentar intim despre viața, speranțele și legăturile umane din timpul turneului pentru „Povestea mea”.


First Lady

First Lady 2022


After assuming the role of first lady of the Philippines, Melody must rise to her new responsibilities while learning to stay true to herself.


The K2

The K2 2016


A patriotic bodyguard who was abandoned by his country and colleagues, a hidden daughter of leading Presidential candidate who regards love as a tool for revenge, and the First Lady contender who hides her ambition and charisma behind a kind and friendly personality.


Queen of Ambition

Queen of Ambition 2013


When you grow up in extreme poverty, the experience can instill a steely resolve to succeed at all costs. Joo Da Hae is determined to leave her life of poverty behind and will stop at nothing until she achieves the wealth and lifestyle she so desires. Ha Ryu, who loved Da Hae and would have done anything for her, is used and betrayed by her in her greedy quest. He later becomes a public prosecutor who must bring her down. But the heartless Da Hae, who rises to become First Lady, has plenty of others who will sacrifice themselves at her whim, including the smitten Baek Do Hoon. Can the ruthless Da Hae be stopped before she goes too far?


The First Lady

The First Lady 2022


A revelatory reframing of American leadership through the lens of the First Ladies. Exploring everything from their journeys to Washington, family life, and world-changing political contributions, the impact of the White House's women is no longer hidden from view.


Primera dama

Primera dama 2010


Sabina Astudillo is an ordinary, young but ambitious woman who is willing to do anything to seduce Leonardo Sandander a presidential candidate to become the First Lady of Chile.


A Woman Named Jackie

A Woman Named Jackie 1991


This biographical miniseries, based on the best seller by C. David Heymann, starts when Jackie Kennedy was working after college; and spans her life through the Presidency of John F. Kennedy and her marriage to Aristotle Onassis after the assassination of President Kennedy.


First Ladies

First Ladies 2020


Blending in-depth interviews, rare archival footage, and cinematic recreations, this docuseries on the lives of America's most iconic First Ladies is a bold revision of each woman's traditional portrayal, revealing how they were impacted during their time in the White House, and how their achievements fundamentally shaped American and global history.


First Ladies Revealed

First Ladies Revealed 2017


See how our first ladies have defined presidencies, reimagined the White House, and left their mark on American history.


White House Christmas

White House Christmas 1998


Every year, hundreds of volunteers from across the nation decorate the White House for Christmas in just 72 hours. HGTV documents the process in the annual White House Christmas special — which is hosted by one or two hand-picked HGTV hosts who ensure the First Lady's chosen theme comes to life.