
Dictatorul 2012


Zilele tiraniei au trecut. Vorbești serios când spui asta! Dictatorul se pregătește să facă această formă de guvernare acceptabilă din punct de vedere social. Dictatorul - acesta este generalul Aladeen. Și în imaginea sa de monopolizare a utilizării forței, el face tot ce îi stă în putere pentru a ține departe de țara sa forma neiubită de guvernare cunoscută sub numele de democrație, pe care îi place să o suprime. Așa că dictatorul pornește într-o călătorie în Statele Unite, lăsând în urmă iubita sa „Republică” Wadiya, însoțit de o suită din cei mai apropiați confidenți ai săi și de forțele sale de securitate feminine. În SUA, unde vrea să cunoască modul de viață occidental, dictatorul are multe experiențe ciudate.


Un schimb regal

Un schimb regal 2018


O patisieră modestă din Chicago și o viitoare prințesă descoperă că seamănă ca două gemene și fac un plan de schimbare a rolurilor cu ocazia Crăciunului.


Capcana pentru părinți

Capcana pentru părinți 1998


O adaptare modernă a clasicului "The Parent Trap" a cărui magie o redescoperă fiecare generație din 1961 până acum este rezultatul unei noi colaborări între Nancy Meyers - regizoare și scenaristă - și Charles Shyer - scenarist și producător. Cei doi formează o echipă de douăzeci de ani, din 1979, și au mai colaborat în trecut pentru Father of the Bride (Tatăl miresei) și continuarea lui Father of the Bride (Tatăl miresei II), Private Benjamin (Recrut fără voie), Baby Boom și Irreconcilable Differences. Contribuind la farmecul acestui remake cu care Meyers marchează debutul său regizoral, tânăra actriță Lindsay Lohan interpretează rolul dublu - Hallie și Annie, rol ce a fost în prima variantă interpretat cu mare succes de Hayley Mills. Dennis Quaid și Natasha Richardson sunt în film părinții divorțați ai celor două gemene năzdrăvane.


Barbie: Prințesa și vedeta pop

Barbie: Prințesa și vedeta pop 2012


Barbie este o prințesă care preferă să cânte și să danseze în locul îndatoririlor regale. Când o vedetă pop vizitează regatul, cele două decid să facă schimb de vieți.


Surorile schimbate

Surorile schimbate 2017


Doar pentru că sunt identice nu înseamnă că aceste gemene se plac reciproc. Doua surori gemene înstrăinate se reunesc pentru un prânz obligatoriu înainte de Crăciun, la un an după moartea mamei lor. Ambele femei sunt nefericite și frustrate cu propria lor viață și fiecare este invidioasa pe viața celeilalte. Având nevoie de noi perspective, cele doua fac schimb până în ziua de Crăciun și, prin aceasta, fiecare femeie descoperă adevăratul sens al vieții și descoperă ca ar trebui sa aprecieze mai mult ceea ce au.


Print si cersetor

Print si cersetor 1990


Mickey Mouse. Print si cersetor este povestea a doi tineri, unul print infumurat si celalalt umil cersetor, care semanau foarte bine. Niciunul nu era multumit cu viata sa si fiecare vroia sa o schimbe cu una mai buna. Printul era plictisit de atatea petreceri, de inevitabilele formalitati, de programul strict caruia trebuia sa i se supuna de rigiditatea si strictetea pe care le presupunea viata de print. Isi dorea libertate, fara sa stie ce inseamna aceasta. Cersetorul pe de alta parte, visa la mancare calda, haine groase si un pat confortabil.


García și García

García și García 2021


Doi Javier Garcia sunt confundați unul cu celălalt, când sunt luați de la aeroport și fac schimb de roluri: Javier Garcia, un mecanic de avioane deprimat și șomer, trebuie să pună la punct o strategie de afaceri pentru linia aeriană low cost Hispavia. Și Javier Garcia, un consultant al liniilor aeriene, cu renume internațional, care nici măcar nu știe să schimbe un cauciuc, trebuie să repare un avion.


Doble Kara

Doble Kara 2015


The story revolves around identical twin sisters who grew up in a happy family in spite of being poor and whose lives will be intertwined because of love, identity, deceit, ambition, and wealth when destiny teasingly compels to separate their lives.


Stolen Life

Stolen Life 2016


Love, treachery, sin, redemption, difficult decisions and surprising twists are the basis of dramatic story in the series "Stolen Life", which being played out against the backdrop of extreme life of the medical profession.


Yo soy Lorenzo

Yo soy Lorenzo 2019


During the 60s, Ernesto Orellana, a millionaire who is going through economic problems, decides to engage his daughter Laura with Lorenzo, the son of one of his wealthy friends. The wedding will be in "Vista Hermosa". Lorenzo is transferred by his driver Carlos, to whom he confesses to be homosexual and not wanting to really marry Laura, both agree to swap identities.



Revenge 2011


When Emily Thorne moves to the Hamptons, everyone wonders about the new girl, but she knows everything about them, including what they did to her family. Years ago, they took everything from her. Now, one by one, she's going to make them pay.


Left-Handed Wife

Left-Handed Wife 2019


Lee Soo-Ho and Oh San-Ha are deeply in love. They have their wedding and go on a honeymoon. During their honeymoon, Lee Soo-Ho has an accident and loses his memory. Meanwhile, Oh San-Ha does not know what happened to her husband and tries to find him. A conspiracy lurks beneath.


Orphan Black

Orphan Black 2013


A streetwise hustler is pulled into a compelling conspiracy after witnessing the suicide of a girl who looks just like her.


Your Honor

Your Honor 2018


Han Soo-Ho and Han Kang-Ho were born as identical twins, but they live totally different lives. Han Soo-Ho works as a judge and he is guided by principles. Han Kang-Ho's extensive criminal record contains 5 different arrests. One day, Han Soo-Ho suddenly disappears. Han Kang-Ho secretly takes his brother's place as a judge. Han Kang-Ho, who was once considered trash, becomes "Dear Judge" and highly respected.


Oh My Ghost

Oh My Ghost 2015


Na Bong Sun may be a skilled sous chef, but she lacks the self-esteem to shine professionally and socially. Beyond her cooking talents, however, is an uncanny ability to communicate with ghosts. One day, her mystic senses go out of control when the seductive ghost of Shin Soon Ae possesses her. Imbued with a fiery new "personality," Bong Sun starts turning heads, including that of Kang Sun Woo, the hottest chef in town and Bong Sun's secret crush!



Ringer 2011


Six months after deciding to pull herself together and get sober, Bridget witnesses a murder. Realizing her life is in danger and not trusting the FBI to protect her, she runs to her wealthy twin sister, Siobhan, in New York. Things start out well—with the two patching up a fractured relationship—when Siobhan suddenly goes missing. Bridget assumes her sister's identity, but soon learns that Siobhan's life is not as perfect as it looks and she is no safer than she was before


You Are Beautiful

You Are Beautiful 2009


Posing as her twin brother in a boy band, a young woman wins the heart of her bandmates and fans, all the while searching for her long-lost mother.


Return of Happiness

Return of Happiness 2015


Yu You Wei had her identity as a rich heiress taken away from her and replaced by another girl at a young age; all without her knowledge. Years later, with the help of Han Ming she begins to reach her sailing dream. During her journey she encounters various obstacles including finding out the truth about her identity.


The Lying Game

The Lying Game 2011


Emma, a kind-hearted foster kid who can't catch a break, finds out she has an identical twin sister, Sutton, who - unlike Emma - was adopted by wealthy parents and is seemingly living an ideal life. After their initial meeting, Sutton talks Emma into stepping into her life for a few days while she pursues a lead on their birth mother. Initially excited to do this favor for her sister, Emma soon learns that Sutton has gone missing and could be in trouble. Now, Emma must decide whether to come clean to Sutton's family and risk her own safety in the hope of uncovering her twin sister's true whereabouts, along with the truth about why they were separated in the first place.



Switch 2018


A man is a swindler. He is smart enough to take the bar exam, but he could not become a prosecutor. Disregarding favoritism and biases by prosecutors, the man makes criminals pay for crimes that prosecutors did not.



Mask 2015


Ji-Sook goes through a difficult period, due to her father's private loan. She begins living as Eun-Ha. Eun-Ha is from a wealthy family and looks like Ji-Sook. When Min-Woo was only seven years old, he became the successor of a large corporation which his family ran. Due to his position, he cannot reveal his feelings. Through his family, he meets Eun-Ha. He notices she is different from other wealthy woman that he has met. Min-Woo has feelings for her.


Turn A Gundam

Turn A Gundam 1999


It is the Correct Century, two millenniums after a devastating conflict which left the world broken. Earth is now mostly uninhabitable, and thus a remnant of humanity has resided on the Moon while the Earth and its few survivors recover.


The Good Witch

The Good Witch 2018


Cha Sun-Hee is a housewife and she is married to Bong Cheon-Dae. Her husband is currently unemployed. She has a twin sister, Cha Do-Hee, who works as a flight attendant. Although they are identical twins, they have completely opposite personalities. Cha Do-Hee becomes involved in a situation which leads to Cha Sun-Hee pretending to be her flight attendant sister. She then meets co-pilot Song Woo-Jin.



Defendant 2017


Park Jung-Woo is a prosecutor at Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office. One day, he wakes up and finds himself in locked up at the police station. He has temporary amnesia. Park Jung-Woo is falsely accused and is sentenced to death. He must struggle to prove his innocence.


Romance of a Twin Flower

Romance of a Twin Flower 2023


A quirky genius girl named Ji Man loses her memory through an accident, and inexplicably replaced her twin sister and entered the Hou Manor. With her outstanding wits and business acumen, she managed to resolve numerous crises, eventually winning the favor of Ning Yu Xuan, the cold and arrogant young master of Hou manor.


When We Were Young

When We Were Young 2017


Bad things are going on at an elite high school, and innocent people are falling prey. Chu Yin Yin and Xia Er are identical twin sisters who were orphaned at a young age. One grew up in an orphanage while the other grew up with a loving adopted mother. But when one twin sister, who is bullied at school, tries to commit suicide, her twin comes to the rescue, and they decide to take matters into their own hands. The sisters switch identities, but they must deal with emotional entanglements with Xu Kong Lin and Li Bai, who both want to be a part of their lives.


Perfect Her

Perfect Her 2024


At the tenth wedding anniversary celebration of Bai Li and her husband, Ye Yun Kai, she meets her college junior, Su Yu. At this time, Su Yu is Ning Mo Chen's boyfriend. Ning Mo Chen schemes to let Bai Li find out that her husband is cheating with her. Later, Bai Li and the mistress fall into the water and their souls are accidentally exchanged. Bai Li wakes up with the mistress' soul and begins her revenge.