Mad Max 2: Războinicul șoselelor

Mad Max 2: Războinicul șoselelor 1981


Acțiunea se petrece câțiva ani după moartea soției și copilului său când fostul ofițer de poliție Max (Mel Gibson), devenit un călător singuratic, rătăcește prin sălbăticiile Australiei. O Australie devastată de un război nuclear și unde rezervele de petrol sunt acum neprețuite. Max va fi pus în situația deloc plăcută de a trebui să apere o comunitate de oameni cinstiți care exploatează o rafinărie de banda de atacatori care o terorizează.


Lupta Zatoichi, lupta

Lupta Zatoichi, lupta 1964


Cand Zatoichi este martorul uciderii unei tinere mame, ii promite sa incredinteze copilul tatalui.


Samurai Jack

Samurai Jack 2001


A great warrior is displaced to the distant future by the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku. The world has become a bleak place under the rule of Aku, segregated into fantastic tribes and ruled by Aku's evil robot warlords. Jack travels this foreign landscape in search of a time portal that can return him to his home time so he can "undo the future that is Aku!".


The Littlest Hobo

The Littlest Hobo 1979


The Littlest Hobo is a Canadian television series based upon a 1958 American film of the same name directed by Charles R. Rondeau. The series first aired from 1963 to 1965 in syndication, spanning six seasons and was revived for a popular second run on CTV from October 11, 1979 to March 7, 1985. It starred an ownerless dog. All three productions revolved around a stray German Shepherd, the titular Hobo, who wanders from town to town, helping people in need. Although the concept was perhaps similar to that of Lassie, the Littlest Hobo's destiny was to befriend those who apparently needed help. Despite the attempts of the many people whom he helped to adopt him, he appeared to prefer to be on his own, and would head off by himself at the end of each episode. Never actually named on-screen, the dog is often referred to by the name Hobo or by the names given by temporary human companions. Hobo's background is also unexplained on-screen. His origins, motivation and ultimate destination are also never explained. Although some characters appeared in more than one episode, the only constant was the Littlest Hobo himself.