Interstellar: Călătorind prin univers

Interstellar: Călătorind prin univers 2014


În contextul în care existența omenirii pe Pământ este amenințată, un grup de exploratori se folosesc de o gaură de vierme nou descoperită pentru a depăși limitele spațiului și a cuceri imensele distanțe ale unei călătorii interstelare.


Primul contact

Primul contact 2016


Au aterizat! Nave spațiale misterioase sunt deja răspândite pe 12 meridiane de pe toate continentele. Dar de ce au venit? Ce intenții au? Iată ce are de elucidat Louise Banks, expertă în lingvistică, solicitată de autorități ca să descifreze limbajul „intrușilor”. Termen: două zile. Miza: viața tuturor. Dușmani sau prieteni? Război inter-planetar sau șansa de a cunoaște alte forme de inteligență? Succes sau condamnare? O planetă întreagă tremură în așteptarea veștilor. Va reuși oare Louise să traducă la timp limbajul invadatorilor extratereștri sau va „traduce” soarta umanității?


Era și timpul

Era și timpul 2013


După încă o altă petrecere nereușită de Anul Nou, tatăl lui Tim îi spune fiului său că bărbații din familia lor au avut dintotdeauna abilitatea de a călători în timp. Tim nu poate schimba istoria, dar poate schimba ceea ce se întâmplă în viața lui, așa că se hotărăște să-și facă viața mai bună... găsindu-și o iubită. Din nefericire, această misiune se dovedește a fi mult mai grea decât își imaginase.


Old: Prizonierii timpului

Old: Prizonierii timpului 2021


O familie vine în vacanță pe o plajă izolată și descoperă cu groază că aceasta are puterea de a grăbi îmbătrânirea, reducându-le durata de viață la o singură zi.


The Light in Your Eyes

The Light in Your Eyes 2019


Time manipulation comes with a steep price for a young woman, who becomes 78 years old overnight after using a mysterious watch.



T・P BON 2024


After Bon accidentally intervenes in a Time Patrol case, he must join Agent Ream in saving innocent lives from the past — while watching history unfold.


Out of This World

Out of This World 1987


Out Of This World is an American fantasy sitcom about a teenage girl who is half alien, which gives her unique supernatural powers. It first aired in syndication from September 17, 1987 and ended on May 25, 1991. During its first season, the series was originally part of NBC's Prime Time Begins at 7:30 campaign, in which the network's owned-and-operated stations would run first-run sitcoms in the 7:30-8 pm time slot to counterprogram competing stations' game shows, sitcom reruns and other offerings. Out of This World was rotated with the original series Marblehead Manor and She's the Sheriff, a syndicated revival of the 1983 sitcom We Got It Made, and a television adaptation of the play You Can't Take It With You. NBC ended the experiment after the 1987-88 season due to the low ratings put up by three of the series, with Out of This World being one of the two that was renewed. After its first season the series was largely moved to weekend time slots, where it remained until its cancellation following the fourth season.


Barrack O'Karma

Barrack O'Karma 2019


Siu Wai-ming has been haunted by a dream of a woman wearing a cheongsam for many years. When he becomes an administrative manager for an old apartment building, he meets a tenant – air stewardess Alex Cheung – who looks exactly like the woman in his dream. As they get to know each other, the apartment building seems to come to life, performing the strange and fantastical lives of the tenants who live there.



Signal 2018


Two detectives communicate through a walkie-talkie to solve a cold case. One detective exists in the present day, and the other detective exists 15 years in the past.


Lockdown Zone: Level X

Lockdown Zone: Level X 2024


Ryoka is awakened by flurry of text messages from her mother! Panicked and rushed, Mom is clearly concerned for Ryoka's safety, but she is not too keen on letting her daughter know why. Her reasoning being that nothing could really properly describe what is happening! The world might be ending! And there might be a massive new life-form on the roof of their apartment building!


9 Seconds: Eternal Time

9 Seconds: Eternal Time 2015


Upon a chance meeting at a neighborhood photo studio, Yoo So Ra and Kang Yoo Chan develop a picture-perfect romance with the help of a magical camera that can freeze time. At first the camera seems like a game, but it begins to take on a whole new meaning as they face hardships that might cut their growing love and youth short.