Cyberbunker: Dedesubturile lumii criminale

Cyberbunker: Dedesubturile lumii criminale 2023


Un documentar despre niște hackeri care au exploatat cele mai întunecate colțuri ale internetului, dintr-un buncăr din era Războiului Rece, într-un orășel din Germania.


Spărgătorul de coduri

Spărgătorul de coduri 2012


Alan Turing este geniu matematician britanic care ce un rol important în spargerea codului german naval Enigma în timpul al doilea război mondial, fără îndoială, salvând a milioane de vieți.


The Age of A.I.

The Age of A.I. 2019


Explore the impact of A.I. and how it is transforming the way we live and work -- both now and in the future, featuring some of the brightest minds in science, philosophy, technology, engineering, medicine, futurism, entertainment and the arts to tell the dynamic story of A.I.


Satoshi - The Story of Bitcoin

Satoshi - The Story of Bitcoin 2021


At the beginning of 2009, in the midst of the financial crisis, "Satoshi Nakamoto" put Bitcoin into circulation. He created the first decentralised and reliable cryptocurrency. In 2011 he disappeared. The Mystery of Satoshi tells the exciting history of Bitcoin and blockchain technology, from the perspective of its mysterious creator.


The Great Acceleration

The Great Acceleration 2020


This remarkable science-history series investigates the blistering pace of human endeavour in space exploration, computing, energy, resources, Earth science and our understanding of the evolution of life itself.