Scream 4: Coșmarul continuă

Scream 4: Coșmarul continuă 2011


La cincisprezece ani după oribilele crime ale celui numit Față de Fantomă (Ghostface), Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), acum scriitoare de succes a unui roman motivațional, se întoarce în orășelul său natal, Woodsboro, care este ultima oprire în turneul de promovare a cărții sale. Din nefericire, odată cu întoarcerea ei, reapare și Față de Fantomă, care îi pune în pericol pe toți cei dragi lui Sidney, șeriful Dewey (David Arquette) și Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox), care acum sunt căsătoriți, ca și pe verișoara ei Jill (Emma Roberts) și pe mătușa sa Kate (Mary McDonnell). Însă aceștia nu sunt singurii care se află în pericol, căci o nouă generație are acum de înfruntat o teroare nouă.



Scream 2022


La 25 de ani după ce o serie de crime brutale a șocat orășelul liniștit Woodsboro, un nou criminal preia masca Față de Fantomă (Ghostface) și începe să atace un grup de adolescenți pentru a readuce la suprafață secrete din trecutul mortal al orașului.



Nesupunere 2018


La scurtă vreme după decesul tatălui ei rabin, o femeie revine în sânul familiei sale de evrei ortodocşi, iscând o controversă după ce arată că este interesată romantic de o prietenă din copilărie.


Trigger Warning

Trigger Warning 2024


O luptătoare de comando din Forțele Speciale descoperă o conspirație periculoasă după ce revine în orașul natal, în căutarea unor răspunsuri despre moartea tatălui ei.



Iubiți 2024


Doi boboci de facultate fac un "Turkey Dump" și se despart de iubiții lor din liceu de "Drunksgiving" - o noapte haotică înainte de Ziua Recunoștinței în orașul lor natal, care le pune la încercare prietenia codependentă.



Elizabethtown 2005


Drew Baylor (Orlando Bloom), odată o vedetă în devenire a unei companii de încălțări atletice, este concediat din cauza eșecului copleșitor al unor teniși care a costat compania o pierdere de 972 milioane de dolari. Ca și cum asta nu ar fi fost suficient, lucrurile se înrăutățesc: tatăl lui Drew a murit și el trebuie să plece spre Elizabethtown, Kentucky. În avion, Drew o cunoaște pe Claire (Kirsten Dunst), o însoțitoare de zbor și o femeie foarte optimistă care îi schimbă cursul vieții. În Kentucky, Drew află detalii despre viața tatălui său și despre rădăcinile familiei lui. Drew, cu ajutorul lui Claire, este pregătit să descopere posibilitățile propriului destin.


Red Rocket

Red Rocket 2021


Un actor ratat de filme pentru adulți încearcă să reintre în grațiile orașului său natal din Texas în timp ce își plănuiește revenirea la Hollywood.



Zburdalnicii 1976


Soții Bob și Thelma pleacă într-o excursie cu cortul alături de vechiul lor amic Terry și iubita lui, apoi lucrurile scapă rapid de sub control.


Wonderful Days

Wonderful Days 2014


Dong-Suk grew up as a smart young boy, but came from a poor family background. He is now a successful prosecutor and comes back to his hometown for the first time in 14 years. There, he happens to meet his first love Hae-Won and falls in love with her all over again.


Welcome to Samdal-ri

Welcome to Samdal-ri 2023


After suffering a fall from grace, a photographer returns to her hometown and bumps into her childhood friend — rekindling an unfinished romance.


Good Old Days

Good Old Days 2022


In an antique shop, the value of each item is the story behind them. People who sell their belongings here can reminisce on their lives, and buyers see their value hidden within. Six stories about memories, love, dreams and separation are linked to six items.


Small Town Stories

Small Town Stories 2024


Mu Di, a graduate student majoring in folk music and suona escapes from a big city and returns to her hometown to start an alternative struggle.


Champaign Ill

Champaign Ill 2018


A super star rapper suddenly dies leaving his best friends Alf and Ronnie to mourn his loss, plus the loss of their jet-setting lifestyle. Back in their hometown they have to pick up the pieces and figure out a way back to the top.


Summer Again

Summer Again 2021


Tong Xi, a ballet dancer, is forced to return from the big city to her hometown due to her mother's job transfer. She wants to hide her tough girl character by transferring to another school, but is seen through by her childhood friend, Lin Nan Yi, who knows her roots and can't get along with her. Tong Xi is acting while Li Nan Yi is trying to blow her cover. From frequent misunderstandings to mutual help, the couples gradually develop a tacit understanding and reliance on each other in their daily life with a group of small-town students. However, Tong Xi learns that Lin Nan Yi is the comic god she has admired for a long time. When the confusion in the process of finding the dreams hits the young and ignorant girl's feelings


Marginal Village Inc.

Marginal Village Inc. 2015


In a small village in the Kanto regioin, which is surrounded by mountains, residents and a management consultant (Shosuke Tanihara) struggle to rebuild the village through its only industry, farming.


Life as a Girl

Life as a Girl 2018


Miki Ogawa (Jun Shison) yearned to live the life of a lovely girl and moved to the city from the countryside because of this. She holds a job at a fashion mail order company. Miki Ogawa also has a secret. She is transgender. Although, she has a pretty woman's appearance, her gender is male. One day, Tadaomi Goto (Keita Machida) appears in front of Miki Ogawa. They graduated from the same school. Tadaomi Goto is flustered by Miki's different appearance, but they happen to live together.


Praise Petey

Praise Petey 2023


Petey is a New York City “it” girl who has it all until her life comes crashing down around her. As luck would have it, a mysterious gift from her father gives her a new lease on life: she’s going to “lean into” modernizing his small-town cult.


Crimson River

Crimson River 2020


An unsolved murder case of a young girl repeats itself twenty years later and awakens the memories of a peaceful town. Shan Feng, who was once a witness to the murder case, now returns to the town as a policeman, unable to forget the painful memories. He seeks out the truth and discovers all the people related to the case have undergone drastic changes.


The Summer Temple Fair

The Summer Temple Fair 2021


A story about discovering true happiness and fulfilling promises through unity and forgiveness, centered around the celebration of the birthday of the Holy Ruler Deity Guan, which falls on June 24th in the lunar calendar.


To Me, It's Simply You

To Me, It's Simply You 2021


Kiew is a villager, from one of the E-san villages, working in Bangkok. One day, his girlfriend breaks up with him. Heartbroken, Kiew decides to go back to his E-San Village, where he meets a girl called Chompoo. At first, Kiew and Chompoo didn't get along and fight all the time because Kiew wants to sell his grandmother's land which is occupied by Chompoo who works there. But as time went by Kiew starts seeing the sincerity of Chompoo. Will Chompoo and Kiew open up to each other about their feelings?


My Delivery Gurl

My Delivery Gurl 2022


A big-city drag queen and house mother moves back to her quiet hometown where she lands a job as a delivery gurl!


Hometown's Embrace

Hometown's Embrace 2021


Set in Isan, Northern Thailand, a young man returns to his hometown after finishing his studies, hoping to improve the quality of life there. But when villagers are killed by traffickers, he takes up arms with other young people to defend the village.