Răscumpărată prin iubire

Răscumpărată prin iubire 2022


Bazat pe romanul semnat de Francine Rivers, Răscumpărată prin iubire este povestea lui Angel, o frumoasă tânără femeie pe care viața a trădat-o. După ce a fost vândută încă de copilă pentru a se prostitua, va mai cunoaște Angel o dragoste care să-i vindece inima?


Un film sârbesc

Un film sârbesc 2010


O fostă stea de filme pentru adulți acceptă o slujbă în domeniu pentru a-și ajuta familia fără a-și da seama că regizorul are intenții criminale.



Dune 1984


În anul 10.191, lumea se află în război pentru controlul planetei Dune - singurul loc unde se găsește eterna substanța "Mirodenia". Dar când un lider renunță la controlul ei, este doar pentru ca el să poată da o lovitură de stat cu ajutorul unor personaje foarte dubioase.



Oldboy 2003


De ziua fiicei sale, Ho Dae-su se îmbată și ajunge la secția de poliție. Cel mai bun prieten al său, No Joo-hwan, îl scoate din arest și, în timp ce sună acasă dintr-o cabină telefonică, Dae-su dispare, fiind răpit și ținut într-o cameră timp de 15 ani. Într-o zi, este brusc eliberat, i se dau haine, bani și un celular. Ajunge într-un restaurant unde face cunoștință cu Mido, o bucătăreasă, ajungând amândoi să se îndrăgostească unul de altul. Între timp, Dae-su este în căutarea celui care l-a pus în captivitate și a motivului pentru care a făcut asta și află astfel secrete ascunse ale trecutului sau.


Tentația seducției

Tentația seducției 1999


Cinica Kathryn Merteuil face un pariu cu fratele ei vitreg, Sebastian Valmont, care presupune seducerea inocentei Annette Hargrove, care și-a propus să rămână virgină până când va cunoaște dragostea adevărată. Dacă Sebastian nu va reuși să o cucerească pe fermecătoarea Annette, Kathryn se va alege cu fabuloasa lui mașină. Dar dacă acesta își va atinge scopul, va obține dragostea singurei femei pe care știe că nu o poate avea: pe Kathryn.


Viraj greșit 2: Capăt de drum

Viraj greșit 2: Capăt de drum 2007


Dale Murphy (Henry Rollins) produce si prezinta propria emisiune numita Ultimul supravietuitor: Apocalipsa, cu sase participanti condusi de Nina Papas (Erica Leerhsen), care vor fi lasati impreuna sase zile intr-un tinut post-apocaliptic situat intr-o zona indepartata din Virginia de Vest, iar castigatorul va lua o suta de mii de dolari. Dar emisiunea se transforma intr-un cosmar cand participantii descopera ca sunt vanati de o familie de canibali, care vrea sa-i macelareasca fara mila si sa-i manance.



Visătorii 2003


Lăsați de capul lor la Paris în timp ce părinții sunt plecați în vacanță, Isabelle (Eva Green) și fratele său Theo (Louis Garrel) își invită un coleg, pe Matthew (Michael Pitt), să stea cu ei. Își fac propriile reguli, pe măsură ce-și experimentează reciproc emoțiile și sexualitatea, jucând o serie de farse din ce în ce mai elaborate. Având drept fundal turbulenta situație politică din Franța anilor `70, când vocea tineretului se face auzită în întreaga Europa, THE DREAMERS este o poveste despre descoperirea de sine, iar cei trei studenți își testează limitele pentru a vedea cât de departe sunt dispuși sa meargă.


Băiatu' tatii

Băiatu' tatii 2012


Sar scântei când un tată nesuferit decide să se mute cu fiul său și cu logodnica acestuia chiar înainte de nuntă.


Oldboy: Prizonier în libertate

Oldboy: Prizonier în libertate 2013


După o noapte de beție, Joe Doucett un director de publicitate decăzut și un tată absent, este răpit din senin și aruncat într-o celulă izolată care arată ca o cameră de hotel, unde este ținut timp de 20 de ani - 20 de ani plini de chinuri, care trec fără nici cel mai mic indiciu referitor la identitatea răpitorului său, sau la motivul pentru care Joe a fost răpit. Eliberat în mod inexplicabil din acest coșmar, Joe revine în lume mânat de o singură obsesie: să îl descopere pe cel care a pus la cale această pedeapsă și, în primul rând, să înțeleagă de ce.


Crimson Peak

Crimson Peak 2015


O tânără moștenitoare se căsătorește cu un aristocrat britanic misterios și se mută în terifianta lui casă strămoșească, aflată în ruină, unde descoperă secrete sinistre.


Familia regală Tenenbaum

Familia regală Tenenbaum 2001


O familie distanțată de foști copii minune se reunește când tată lor anunță că are o boală terminală.



Tieta 1989


Inspired on Jorge Amado's romance "Tieta do Agreste", the plot is set on the fictional city of Santana do Agreste, at Brazil's northwest, and has as main theme Tieta's life turnarounds. Twenty-five years after being chased out of town by her father Zé Esteves, she returns to her home town seeking revenge against everyone who mistreated her and laugh at her face in the past.



Dark 2017


A missing child causes four families to help each other for answers. What they could not imagine is that this mystery would be connected to innumerable other secrets of the small town.


A Sister's All You Need

A Sister's All You Need 2017


Itsuki Hashima is a light novelist obsessed with little sisters, strictly focusing on them when he writes his stories. Despite his personality, he's surrounded by a tight circle of friends, including a beautiful genius writer who loves him, a big-sisterly college classmate, a fellow male writer, a sadistic tax accountant, his editor, and Chihiro, his perfect younger step-brother who takes care of the housework and cooking. As the story progresses, the underlying conflicts of dreams and goals surface, as each character attempts to achieve their dreams, in their own way.


Yosuga no Sora

Yosuga no Sora 2010


Kasugano Haruka and his sister Sora have lost both their parents in an accident, and with them all their support. They decide to move out of the city to the rural town where they once spent summers with their late grandfather. At first everything seems familiar and peaceful, but changes come as Haruka starts to remember things from his youth.


Os Maias

Os Maias 2001


Pedro da Maia, meets a beautiful woman called Maria Monforte with whom he gets married despite his father's objection. The marriage produces a son, Carlos Eduardo, and a daughter. Some time later, Maria Monforte falls in love with Tancredo and runs away to Italy with him, taking her daughter along. When Pedro finds out, he goes with his son to his father's house where he commits suicide. Carlos stays at his grandfather's house and is educated by him. Carlos, becomes a doctor and opens his own office. Later he meets a gorgeous woman, Maria Eduarda. The two fall in love and have dozens of nights together. Eventually Carlos finds out later that Maria lied to him about her past and he starts fearing the worst. In the end, Carlos finds out that Maria is his sister. He informs her that they are siblings and that they cannot live like this anymore. Carlos, to forget his tragedies, goes for a trip around the world.



Citrus 2018


Yuzu, a high school gyaru who hasn't experienced her first love yet, transfers to an all-girls school after her mother remarries. She's beyond upset that she can't land a boyfriend at her new school. Then, on her first day, she meets the beautiful black-haired student council president Mei in the worst way possible. What's more, she later finds out that Mei is her new step-sister, and they'll be living under the same roof! And so the love affair between two polar opposite high school girls who find themselves drawn to one another begins!



AIKa 1997


Aika Sumeragi works as a salvager for hire, but gets caught up in a plot for world domination.



KissXSis 2010


The story begins with Keita Suminoe, a male third-year junior-high school student studying for his high school entrance exams. He is living in a home with his older twin stepsisters, Ako and Riko, who share no blood relation to him, and they help him prepare for his exams. Even though he initially dislikes himself for it, he begins to become attracted to his two step-sisters, and his two parents encourage him to eventually get married to one of them.


Koi Kaze

Koi Kaze 2004


Koshiro and Nanoka fall deeply in love, then discover they are the children of their divorced estranged parents... making them brother and sister. How will their relationship turn out?


Revolutionary Girl Utena

Revolutionary Girl Utena 1997


Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.


Farewell, Happy Days

Farewell, Happy Days 2023


"Newlyweds" Keiichi and Akira Hirose have moved to a new city. Keiichi, who works as an author, and Akira, who works with kindergartners, are hiding a big secret from the people around them.


The Perfect Insider

The Perfect Insider 2015


Souhei Saikawa is a college professor who is obsessed with genius Shiki Magata’s work. He, Moe Nishinosono, and a group of his other students plan a retreat to the remote island where Magata currently resides, which may put them in danger’s way...


Angel Sanctuary

Angel Sanctuary 2000


Setsuna, a High School student, not only has to deal with bullies and more then appropiate feelings for his own sister, but also must come to terms with the fact that he is the reincarnation of the Organic Angel Alexiel who rebelled against God. Being thrust into a world he never knew existed he must believe that angels and demons exist for the sake of Heaven, Earth and even Hell.


Cyclops Girl Cypu

Cyclops Girl Cypu 2013


When Fuuka hit her second year of middle school, puberty kicked in. Now she's really tall and has huge boobs. Due to her hairstyle, her classmates call her "Saipu", after the cyclops. Her affection for her older brother was cute when she was a little girl and said she wanted to marry him. Now it just freaks him out, since she's decided she's adult enough to follow through on her childish promises.


Flowers in the Attic: The Origin

Flowers in the Attic: The Origin 2022


After a whirlwind romance, Olivia finds herself as the mistress of the imposing Foxworth Hall, where she soon discovers that the fairy tale life she expected has quickly become a nightmare.


Flesh and Bone

Flesh and Bone 2015


Claire, a talented but emotionally troubled dancer, joins a company in New York City, and soon finds herself immersed in the tough and often cutthroat world of professional ballet. The dark and gritty series will unflinchingly explore the dysfunction and glamour of the ballet world.


The Cazalets

The Cazalets 2001


The Cazalets is a 2001 five-episode television drama series about the life of a large privileged family in the years 1937 to 1947. Most of the action takes place in London, and at the family's large estate in Sussex. The drama was based on the novels of Elizabeth Jane Howard, and adapted by the screenwriter Douglas Livingstone. The series was originally produced by Cinema Verity for BBC One and is available on DVD.


Aki-Sora: Yume no Naka

Aki-Sora: Yume no Naka 2010


Aki and Sora Aoi are a pair of close siblings who have shared an intimate bond since childhood. During their coming of age, they each come to realize the true depth of the love they feel for each other and consummate that love in secret. They keep Sora's twin sister Nami in the dark about their new relationship. Nami, clueless of what is happening in her household, aims to set her brother up with her best friend, Kana, for whom Nami herself holds her own secret feelings.


Hitsuji no Uta

Hitsuji no Uta 2003


Kazuna’s family has a history of suffering from a disease that creates an uncontrollable vampire-like thirst for blood. Knowing none of this, Kazuna was sent to live with the Eda couple as a child. As the sickness begins to show signs of being present within himself, he comes into contact with his older sister, Chizuna, who has been suffering from it since early childhood. Knowing that the sickness incurs a heavy weight upon those that suffer from it, Chizuna tries to ease her brother’s burden, to help him learn to control his urges, but…