
Megalopolis 2024


Artistul genial Cesar Catilina caută să propulseze Orașul Noua Romă într-un viitor utopic și idealist, în timp ce opoziția sa, primarul Franklyn Cicero, rămâne angajat într-un status quo regresiv, perpetuând lăcomia, interesele speciale și războiul partizan. Între ei se află mondena Julia Cicero, fiica primarului, a cărei dragoste pentru Cesar i-a divizat loialitățile, forțând-o să descopere ce crede cu adevărat că merită umanitatea.



Șarada 1963


O tânără văduvă este urmărită de patru gangsteri - foști prieteni ai soțului, convinși că ea cunoaște locul unde acesta a ascuns averea sa transferată într-un timbru vechi foarte valoros, având ca efigie capul de zimbru al Moldovei.


Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 2007


Vizionarul realizator de film Tim Burton ("Batman", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory") si starul premiat cu Globul de Aur, Johnny Depp ("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", trilogia "Pirates of the Caribbean"), ne ofera un nou musical thriller dramatic, "Sweeney Todd, barbierul diabolic din Fleet Street", ce constituie o viziune originala si captivanta a renumitului muzical creat de legendarul compozitor si textier Stephen Sondheim.Depp joaca rolul lui Benjamin Barker, un om nevinovat care a f…



Visătorii 1987


Văduva italianco-americană, Loretta Castorini, în vârstă de 37 de ani, crede că are ghinion în dragoste și, așadar, acceptă o cerere în căsătorie de la iubitul ei Johnny, deși nu îl iubește. Când îl întâlnește pe fratele său mai mic, Ronny, un bărbat emoțional și pasional, se trezește atrasă de el. Ea încearcă să reziste, dar Ronny, care îl învinovățește pe fratele său pentru pierderea mâinii sale, nu are niciun scrupul în a o urmări agresiv în timp ce Johnny este plecat din țară. Pe măsură ce Loretta se îndrăgostește de Ronny, ea află că nu este singura din familia ei cu o dragoste secretă.


Dna Harris cucerește Parisul

Dna Harris cucerește Parisul 2022


Ada Harris, o menajeră văduvă din Londra anilor 1950, se îndrăgostește de rochia haute couture Christian Dior a clientei ei, riscă totul și se duce la Casa Dior din Paris pentru a-și lua și ea o rochie și schimbă moda pentru totdeauna.



Verónica 2017


În 1991 în Madrid, după o ședință de spiritism la școală, o adolescentă care are grijă de frații săi suspectează că o forță malefică a pătruns în apartamentul lor.


Scenariu pentru happy-end

Scenariu pentru happy-end 2012


Un bărbat bipolar se mută cu părinții săi și înnoadă o legătură cu o văduvă ageră, astfel că amândoi găsesc modalități unice de a se vindeca.



Malèna 2000


În timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, un adolescent care se descoperă pe el însuși, devine îndrăgostit de Malèna, o femeie senzuală care trăiește într-un mic oraș italian, cu mintea îngustă.


Pe aripile vântului

Pe aripile vântului 1939


Un clasic american în care o femeie manipulatoare și un bărbat șmecher au o aventură romantică turbulentă în sudul Americii în timpul războiului civil și al reconstrucției.


Peppermint: Gustul răzbunării

Peppermint: Gustul răzbunării 2018


Peppermint este povestea de răzbunare a unei tinere mame care nu mai are nimic de pierdut, iar acum are de gând să-și recupereze viața furată de la criminalii care i-au ucis familia.


The Golden Girls

The Golden Girls 1985


Four Southern Florida seniors share a house, their dreams, and a whole lot of cheesecake. Bright, promiscuous, clueless and hilarious, these lovely, mismatched ladies form the perfect circle of friends.


In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time 2005


Five people, strangers to each other, are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They witness a murder and from then on an endless tangle of adventures begins for them. Dalia, Zoumboulia, Spyros, Fotis, Angela... unite in a group, draw strength from each other and aim to deliver justice in an old and dark case... Through dangers and upheavals they will manage to reach in the truth of the case but also their own, personal truth.


The Widow

The Widow 2019


A woman's search to uncover the mystery of the disappearance of her husband leads her to the Congo, where she's forced to seek the truth about what happened to the man she loved.


Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under 2001


When death is your business, what is your life? For the Fisher family, the world outside of their family-owned funeral home continues to be at least as challenging as—and far less predictable than—the one inside.



Messiah 2020


A wary CIA officer investigates a charismatic man who sparks a spiritual movement and stirs political unrest. Who exactly is he? And what does he want?


Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life 2016


Set nearly a decade after the finale of the original series, this revival follows Lorelai, Rory and Emily Gilmore through four seasons of change.


The Matchmakers

The Matchmakers 2023


Set during the Joseon Dynasty, the story of the meeting between the young widow Jung Soon-deok and young widower Shim Jung-woo as well as the struggle the two go through together to marry off the four young maidens who represent Joseon.


Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home 2010


Kim Jinseo and Mo Yoonhee are high school classmates and rivals whose different family backgrounds shaped their characters and their paths towards love and success in adulthood. Jinseo develops a warm and cheerful personality as well as superior intellectual ability, while Yoonhee becomes a beautiful woman with fatal charm. Both women love Lee Sanghyun, an extremely kind but indecisive man who used to date Yoonhee but later married Jinseo. When Yoonhee's husband, Sung Eunpil, dies under suspicious circumstances, Jinseo finds herself becoming involved in the investigation. The process is complicated when the young homicide detective Kang Shinwoo becomes romantically interested in Jinseo.


Sorry For Your Loss

Sorry For Your Loss 2018


The sudden death of her husband upends and transforms every relationship in Leigh Shaw’s life. It also forces her to realize there was a lot about her husband that she didn’t know.


Towards Zero

Towards Zero 2025


After a scandalous divorce, a tennis star, his ex-wife and a volatile mix of guests converge at a coastal estate. When murder strikes, a troubled detective must unravel the truth.



Godless 2017


A ruthless outlaw terrorizes the West in search of a former member of his gang, who’s found a new life in a quiet town populated only by women.


On Becoming a God in Central Florida

On Becoming a God in Central Florida 2019


In the early 1990s, a recently widowed, impoverished Orlando water park employee schemes and cons her way up the ranks of the multi-billion dollar pyramid scheme which ruined her financially in the first place.


Mrs Wilson

Mrs Wilson 2018


After the sudden death of ex-Secret Intelligence Service man Alexander, his wife Alison investigates when mysteries from her husband's past come knocking.


Broken Trail

Broken Trail 2006


The story is about an aging cowboy and his nephew who transport 500 horses from Oregon to Wyoming to sell them to the British Army. Along the way, their simple horse drive is complicated when they rescue five Chinese girls from a slave trader, saving them from a life of prostitution and indentured servitude. Compelled to do the right thing, they take the girls with them as they continue their perilous trek across the frontier, followed by a vicious gang of killers sent by the whorehouse madam who originally paid for the girls. Broken Trail weaves together two historical events: the British buying horses in the American West in the late 19th century and Chinese women being transported from the West Coast to the interior to serve as prostitutes.


Knight Flower

Knight Flower 2024


Cho Yeo Hwa has been a widow for 15 years. Her in-laws are the most prestigious noble family in the kingdom. During the day, she leads the life of a widow devoted entirely to her dead husband's memory and rarely ventures outside the gate of her home. At night, Yeo Hwa dons the mask of Hero, who secretly jumps over the surrounding wall to save the helpless.


Me and Mrs. C

Me and Mrs. C 1986


Me and Mrs. C is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from June 21, 1986 to July 4, 1987. The series stars Peg Murray as Mrs. Conklin, a money-strapped widow who, in order to avoid moving in with her son, decides to take a boarder into her picture-postcard suburban home, and Misha McK as Gerri Kilgore, the young black female boarder with a criminal record.


Flesh and Blood

Flesh and Blood 2020


Three adult siblings find their family thrown into disarray when their recently widowed mother, Vivien, declares she is in love with a new man. The tension his presence creates threatens to drag the whole family towards tragedy, and perhaps crime.



Frayed 2019


Fabulously wealthy London housewife Sammy, is forced to return to the town in Australia she grew up in. But in coming home, Sammy must revisit her past and the events that led her to flee as a teenager years ago.


Easy Street

Easy Street 1986


Easy Street is an American sitcom that aired for 22 episodes on NBC during the 1986-87 television season.