Poveste din Tokyo

Poveste din Tokyo 1953


Un cuplu varstnic porneste intr-o calatorie catre Tokyo pentru a-si vizita copiii. Ajunsi acolo ei se confrunta cu indiferenta, egoism si nerecunostinta.


Cioc cioc

Cioc cioc 2015


Un soț și tată devotat rămas singur în weekend își vede viața dată peste cap după ce se oferă să adăpostească de furtună două tinere.


Spărgătorii de nunți

Spărgătorii de nunți 2005


John și amicul său, Jeremy sunt infractori emoționali care știu să folosească speranțele și visele femeii pentru câștigul lor propriu. Modus operandi: venirea la nunți fără invitație. În mod normal, aceștia se întâlnesc cu oaspeții care doresc să sărbătorească ziua romantică cu o lipeală aleatoare. Dar când John o întâlnește pe Claire, el descoperă cum se simte o dragoste adevărată.


Pielea de măgar

Pielea de măgar 1970


Regele i-a promis reginei muribunde că se va recăsători doar cu o femeie care este mai frumoasă decât ea. Dar singura femeie din regat mai frumoasă decât regina este fiica ei. Pentru a evita această himeră fără sens, prințesa îi cere sfatul zânei Liliac, nașa ei.



Sachertorte 2022


Când Karl o cunoaște pe Nini din Viena, e convins că ea e iubirea vieții lui. Dar, ghinion, îi pierde numărul de telefon. Știe doar că fata își serbează mereu ziua de naștere la Café Sacher. Așa că pleacă din Berlin la Viena, s-o aștepte zi de zi la cafenea. Acolo își face mulți prieteni noi, printre care Miriam, patiser pasionat. Alături de ea, Karl descoperă Viena în căutarea iubirii adevărate.


Worzel Gummidge

Worzel Gummidge 1979


Worzel Gummidge is a children's comedy series, produced by Southern Television for ITV, based on the books by Barbara Euphan Todd. Starting in 1979, the programme starred Jon Pertwee in the title role and ran for four series in the UK until 1981. Channel 4 reprised the show in 1987 as Worzel Gummidge Down Under, which was set in New Zealand.


Ridiculous Cakes

Ridiculous Cakes 2018


You'll be wowed and downright impressed—and perhaps a bit hungry for dessert—when you see showstopping creations from some of the best cake artists across the country. In place of usual layered chocolate, vanilla and red velvet beauties, these showstopping features will include a massive 500-pound replica of Earth and an upside-down chandelier. They're changing the cake game once and for all, and on Ridiculous Cakes, you'll get an insider's look at how these masterpieces are designed, created and decorated.


Antique Bakery

Antique Bakery 2008


Antique Bakery is a manga by Fumi Yoshinaga depicting the lives of four men who work in a small bakery. It was published in Japan by Shinshokan and in English by Digital Manga Publishing. The series won the 2002 Kodansha Manga Award for shōjo manga. The manga was adapted as a Japanese TV drama, with the title Antique or Antique Cake Store, that was broadcast on Fuji TV in 2001, an anime TV series, airing on July 3, 2008 on noitaminA, and a Korean live-action movie.


Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking

Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking 2024


Pairs of professional bakers compete to create spellbinding edible showpieces on the actual sets where the Harry Potter films were made.



Mestercukrász 2021


Talented hobby confectioners, or even those who are already familiar with the tricks of baking, compare their knowledge: Master Confectioner candidates must create two confectionery masterpieces individually in each broadcast to advance. At the end of each race day, one of them will be eliminated, so at the end of the two semi-final weeks, three competitors will advance to the final week, where someone will also leave every day.


Killer Cakes

Killer Cakes 2024


Host Matthew Lillard welcomes four teams of killer cake artists to an abandoned warehouse, where they will compete for $20,000 and the Golden Knife trophy. They will work with some of the best horror special effects artists in Hollywood to bring their cakes to life and scare the hell out of the show’s expert judges—Scream Queen Danielle Harris and food artist and Halloween aficionado Nikk Alcaraz.