La La Land

La La Land 2016


Scris și regizat de Damien Chazelle, filmul urmărește povestea Miei, o actriță aspirantă și a lui Sebastian, un muzician îndrăgostit de jazz, care se zbat să atingă succesul într-un oraș în care prea multe vise și inimi sunt frânte zi de zi. Plasat în Los Angeles-ul zilelor noastre, printre decoruri cuceritoare și momente muzicale fascinante, filmul surprinde bucuriile, dar și dezamăgirile cotidiene a doi tineri în încercarea lor de a-și îndeplini visele


Dulce răzbunare

Dulce răzbunare 2020


La câțiva ani după ce o faptă înfiorătoare i-a distrus prietena cea mai bună, o femeie vrea să se răzbune pe sistemul care tolerează și protejează agresorii.


13 Păcate

13 Păcate 2014


Un apel telefonic declanșează un joc periculos de riscant pentru Elliot, un agent de vânzări fără noroc. Jocul promite mari recompense pentru finalizarea a 13 sarcini, fiecare mai sinistră decât alta... El trebuie sa respecte o regula foarte importanta: sa nu spuna nimanui ca joaca acest joc. De asemenea, refuzul uneia dintre sarcini sau neindeplinirea ei duce automat la pierderea tuturor castigurilor acumulate.


Downtown Owl

Downtown Owl 2023


Julia Rabia decide să ia o pauză de la viața ei cosmopolită din Milwaukee și sosește în Owl, un orășel izolat din Dakota de Nord, pentru a lucra ca profesoară la liceul local, timp de un semestru, acțiunea filmului petrecându-se în epoca Reagan. Julia încearcă să-și dea seama dacă a ajuns în acest oraș pentru a uita de casă sau pentru a găsi un cămin nou.


Prietenul prietenei mele

Prietenul prietenei mele 2010


Jesse Young (Alyssa Milano) este o tânără atrăgătoare care îl întâlnește într-o zi pe Ethan, un scriitor simpatic. Relația lor decurge bine și frumos până în momentul în care Jesse îl întâlnește pe Troy, care devine curând al doilea pretendent la inima tinerei. Și de aici, Jesse n-are decât să se descurce și să aleagă ce este mai bine pentru ea, bineînțeles, ne rănind sentimentele niciunuia dintre cei doi. Cu cine va rămâne ea la final? Povestea unei fete ce întâlnește dragostea adevărată. De două ori.


Coffee Prince

Coffee Prince 2007


Han Kyul gives his family's café a new spin, hiring only good-looking men to work there -- plus an androgynous-looking girl he mistakes for a man.


Coffee Prince

Coffee Prince 2012


In this Filipino remake, we follow the comedic lives and loves of Andy and Arthur. Andy is a hardworking young woman who supports her mother and sister as a tricycle driver. Arthur, on the other hand, is a happy-go-lucky and wealthy bachelor whose family owns the biggest coffee factory in the country.


The Boyfriend

The Boyfriend 2024


Over the course of a month, a group of men live under one roof and run a coffee truck together to connect and hopefully meet their one true boyfriend.


Affectionate Time

Affectionate Time 2005


This is the story about one small coffee shop located in the northern island of Hokkaido. Yukichi Wakui used to work as a successful businessman at a prestigious trading firm. He worked for several years in New York as well as other cities around the world. When his wife Megumi died at the age of 47 in a car accident three years ago, he decided to leave the company. He was only 57. When Megumi died in the accident, her 18-year-old son Takuro was at the wheel. Yukichi declined an offer to switch to an affiliate company after his retirement, and moved to Megumi's hometown Furano, Hokkaido instead. There he started a small coffee shop named "The Forest Clock."


Coffee Friends

Coffee Friends 2019


"Coffee Friends” was inspired by Son Ho Jun and Yoo Yeon Seok’s “Coffee Friends” project, where they distributed cups of coffee to citizens in exchange for donations. In the show, the duo with help of Yang Se-Jong and Choi Ji Woo, they will run a cafe located in a tangerine farm on Jeju Island, and they will donate the profit to a charitable cause in the end.


Would You Like Some Coffee?

Would You Like Some Coffee? 2021


Hajime Aoyama runs the mobile coffee shop Tako Coffee. Riding in his coffee truck, he goes from street to street. Along the way, he comforts those with wounded hearts and minds. Hajime Aoyama appears carefree, but he has a secret.



Evergreen 2018


Oh Soo is a man in his 20's and works as a promising engineer in the IT field, a cafe owner and a barista. He is smart and handsome. He plays cupid for you men and women by using a mysterious pollen. Due to the pollen, he falls in love with Seo Yoo-Ri. She is also in her 20's and works as a police officer. She has a bright personality and supports her family by herself.


Oxygen: The Series

Oxygen: The Series 2020


Orphaned at a very young age, Gui, a fourth-year engineering student, has had to work hard and earn for himself for as long as he can remember. Still, through the test of time, he still has a soft demeanor and a smile on his face. Solo, a freshman music student, has everything: money, fame, good looks. But he lacks a smile. After his mother’s early death, he lost his happiness. Nothing could fill this missing hole in him until one late rainy night he stumbles into a café for coffee. At that moment, their two worlds collide.


Brown and Friends

Brown and Friends 2022


In a cozy little neighborhood coffee shop, a group of fun-loving friends get together — and get up to all kinds of adventures.



Kopitiam 1998


A young woman returns to Malaysia to take over her father’s old coffee shop. Along with inheriting the Kopitiam, she gains a kooky group of friends.


Would You Like a Cup of Coffee?

Would You Like a Cup of Coffee? 2021


A revelatory cup of coffee at a café leads a man to overhaul his entire life. Inspired, he sets out to learn about both coffee and people's lives.


Amsterdam Empire

Amsterdam Empire 1970


When Jack's affair is exposed, his wife Betty becomes his worst enemy, plotting to destroy him and seize his beloved coffee shop empire, the Jackal.


Romantic Witch's Starlight Sonata

Romantic Witch's Starlight Sonata 2019


Love never waits. The secret door opens widely only for whom tries to get. Jeongyoon, always say what she want to say. Yejin, always depend on Jeongyoon. They keep playing hot and cold with or without notice each other. One day, the shadow came in front of Jeongyoon and Yejin. Everything changes on the night with darkness.