Glenn Shadix Planeta maimuțelor Men Heathers Viața de stafie Sparkler Sol Goode Coșmarul dinainte de Crăciun Multiplicity Chairman of the Board Dunston Checks In The empty mirror Fast Sofa Bartok, Magnificul Bingo Red Dirt Acts of Death Nightlife Dark Side of Genius Confession of a Florist More Dogs Than Bones Trailer for a Remake of Gore Vidal's Caligula Demolatorul Sunset Meet the Applegates Love Affair Student Exchange Poștașul sună întotdeauna de două ori To Kill a Mockumentary Shut Yer Dirty Little Mouth It Runs in the Family Sleepwalkers Parent Trap: Hawaiian Honeymoon The World of Stainboy Tracey Ullman in the Trailer Tales All Grown Up! Cheers Duckman Carnivàle Aventurile lui Jackie Chan Seinfeld Tinerii Titani Providence Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills Fetele aurii Prințul din Bel Air Omul liliac Thanks Time Squad Dave's World Lilo și Stitch: Seria Aventurile lui Jackie Chan Aventurile lui Jackie Chan Justice League Unlimited Sabrina, vrăjitoarea adolescentă Spitalul de urgență Ladies Man The World of Stainboy Viața cu Louie Vaca și Puiul Extreme Ghostbusters Dinozaurii Dinozaurii The John Larroquette Show Night Court Hercule Hercule Tinerii Titani