Robert Burks La nord, prin nord-vest Să prinzi un hoț Amețeala Marnie Apelează C de la Crimă Fereastra din spate Păsările Omul care știa prea multe Străini într-un tren Necazuri cu Harry Hondo The Fountainhead The Enforcer Beyond the Forest Tomorrow Is Another Day The Glass Menagerie The Spirit of St. Louis House of Wax The Vagabond King Cry Wolf Close to My Heart The Two Mrs. Carrolls Mărturisesc Mara Maru Task Force Muzicianul Waterhole #3 The Great Lie Come Fill the Cup Kings Row Arsenic and Old Lace Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet Key Largo A Patch of Blue Highway West A Kiss in the Dark Once a Thief Omul greșit The Rat Race But Not for Me The Desert Song Possessed The Younger Brothers Room for One More The Pleasure of His Company The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima Star in the Night Jammin' the Blues The Unfaithful Make Your Own Bed The Black Orchid The Great Impostor Pride of the Marines In This Our Life