Ben Vereen Once Upon a Forest Tapioca Idlewild The Chipmunks Rockin' Through The Decades Fosse Pippin Tot acest Jazz Khumba Funny Lady Feast of All Saints Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It. On Broadway The Charmkins Buy & Cell Vaudeville David Foster: Off the Record Sabine The Zoo Gang Accidental Friendship The Painting Walt Disney: One Man's Dream Time Out of Mind Mary's Incredible Dream În sfârșit celebru Walt Disney World Very Merry Christmas Parade The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years Don't Ask Me, Ask God Liza: A Truly Terrific Absolutely True Story Breakin' Through Mama, I Want to Sing! The Auction The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again The Cheryl Ladd Special Puss in Boots Sweet Charity Și apoi a venit dragostea Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme I'll Take You There Lost In London Why Do Fools Fall In Love Chita Rivera: A Lot Of Livin' To Do Louis Armstrong - Chicago Style Chita: A Legendary Celebration The Kid Who Loved Christmas The Saint in Manhattan The Jesse Owens Story Jacques Cousteau: The First 75 Years Lynda Carter: Body and Soul Noaptea a 100 de stele Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age Cabaret: The Musical That Changed Musicals Tenspeed and Brown Shoe Star Trek: Generația Următoare Barca dragostei Prințul din Bel Air The Jamie Foxx Show Dădaca Vederea E! True Hollywood Story Oz: Închisoarea Federală Webster Donny & Marie Zoobilee Zoo New York Undercover Lois și Clark: Noile aventuri ale Superomului Emisiunea Măpușilor Booker Promised Land Breakfast with the Arts Rădăcini Your Mama Don't Dance Second Noah Premiile Academiei Ben Vereen... Comin' at Ya The Captain and Tennille Lupta perfectă Premiile Tony J.J. Starbuck Emisiunea lui Mike Douglas Cum am cunoscut-o pe mama voastră NCIS: Anchetă militară The Magic of David Copperfield Anatomia lui Grey Emisiunea lui Mike Douglas Emisiunea din noaptea asta cu Johnny Carson Ellis Island B Positive Intruders A.D. Faerie Tale Theatre Emisiunea lui Kelly Clarkson Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child Making History Magnum P.I. The Carol Burnett Show The Carol Burnett Show CBS Summer Playhouse The Gray House Bull Star Hot in Cleveland Lege și ordine: Țeluri criminale Detectivi de elită Sneaky Pete Atins de un înger