Chad Oakes Ferma lebedelor Rapid Fire A Very Merry Daughter of the Bride Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber The Art of Murder Cover Story The Last Rites of Ransom Pride Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss True Confessions of a Go-Go Girl Mutant World The Mermaid Chair Merry In-Laws Ebenezer Ebenezer Boot Camp Snowbound Flirting with Forty Fugitives Run Pumnii răzbunării Dear Santa The Legend of Butch & Sundance The Thicket Murder at the Presidio The Other Woman Hush Little Baby Legea lui Hannah I Dream of Murder Ținutul sălbatic Lies My Mother Told Me The Cowboy The Cowboy The Cowboy The Cowboy The Cowboy The Cowboy The Cowboy The Cowboy