Gordon Jackson Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 Hours 11 Minutes Mutiny on the Bounty Marea evadare The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie The Medusa Touch Kidnapped The Quatermass Xperiment Sabotorii Wind Versus Polygamy Scrooge The Masks of Death Hamlet The Night of the Generals Tunes of Glory Dosarul Ipcress Blind Date The Long Ships Hell Drivers Whisky Galore! Greyfriars Bobby The Fighting Prince of Donegal An Audience with Mel Brooks Golden Rendezvous Effie's Burning San Demetrio London Millions Like Us The Captive Heart Pursuit to Algiers Madame Sin Pink String and Sealing Wax Yesterday's Enemy The Shooting Party Danger Route Run Wild, Run Free Abandon Ship Black Ice Nine Men Rockets Galore Gunpowder Happy Go Lovely The Last Giraffe Blonde Bait Blind Spot Bitter Springs Floodtide Stop Press Girl Russian Roulette Death Goes to School Cone of Silence The Delavine Affair Passage Home The Navy Lark On the Run Cast a Giant Shadow Let's Be Happy Three Crooked Men Spectre Two Wives at One Wedding GR Stein Refractories Devil's Bait Lothian Landscape Castle in the Air Loteria iubirii Pacific Destiny Sonntagsgeschichten Malta Story Scotland Dances Daylight Robbery Snowball The Foreman Went to France The Winslow Boy My Brother Tom The Bridal Path Mackendrick: The Man Who Walked Away Women Without Men The Price of Silence The Whistle Blower Sailor Beware Meet Mr. Lucifer Eureka Stockade Sesame Street | Put Down the Duckie: An All-Star Musical Special The Lady with a Lamp The Square of Three The Film That Never Was The Lady and the Highwayman Un bebeluș la bord One of Our Aircraft Is Missing Triple Cross Man in the Shadow Heavenly Pursuits Sesame Street: Sing Yourself Silly! Upstairs, Downstairs Gideon's Way Hart to Hart Dr. Finlay's Casebook Shaka Zulu Supernatural Noble House Mystery and Imagination The Professionals A Town Like Alice Campion Armchair Theatre An Audience with... Budgie Contrasts