Peter Cushing Războiul stelelor - Episodul IV: O nouă speranță Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed The Curse of Frankenstein Frankenstein Created Woman Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell The Evil of Frankenstein The Revenge of Frankenstein Biggles Sword of the Valiant: The Legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Miresele lui Dracula The Hound of the Baskervilles Hamlet Groaza lui Dracula The Vampire Lovers Top secret! Dracula A.D. 1972 At the Earth's Core Pánico en el Transiberiano Legenda celor 7 vampiri aurii Dr. Who și dalecii Asylum Shock Waves Dr. Terror's House of Horrors The Horror Show Flesh and Blood: The Hammer Heritage of Horror The Beast Must Die The Gorgon Madhouse Misterio en la isla de los monstruos Ritualurile satanice ale lui Dracula The Black Knight Island of Terror The Masks of Death Torture Garden Twins of Evil Nothing But the Night Legend of the Werewolf And Now the Screaming Starts! The Creeping Flesh Scream and Scream Again Alexandru cel Mare The Skull Peter Cushing: In His Own Words Time Without Pity Cash on Demand The Abominable Snowman The Devil's Men Dalecii invadează Pământul 2150 A.D. Povestiri din criptă Dalekmania House of the Long Shadows The House That Dripped Blood Ea Corruption From Beyond the Grave Spaimă în noapte A Tale of Two Cities Dr. Phibes Rises Again Mumia The Howards of Virginia Captain Clegg The Ghoul I, Monster The Flesh and the Fiends Arabian Adventure John Paul Jones Night of the Big Heat Son of Hitler The Uncanny Shatter Violent Playground Hammer: The Studio That Dripped Blood The Blood Beast Terror The End of the Affair Blood Suckers The Hellfire Club Trial by Combat Nineteen Eighty-Four The Naked Edge Helen Keller: The Miracle Continues The Man Who Finally Died La Grande Trouille Sword of Sherwood Forest Frankenstein: A Cinematic Scrapbook Magic Fire They Dare Not Love Vigil in the Night The Great Houdinis Fury at Smugglers' Bay Peter Cushing: A One Way Ticket to Hollywood Cone of Silence Suspect Dr. Who: Classic Movie Double Bill Die Standarte Laddie Moulin Rouge A Chump at Oxford The Man in the Iron Mask Women in War Anastasia Some May Live Asalto al Casino A Touch of the Sun Frankenstein Reborn One More Time The Woman in the House The Detour Povestea Războaielor stelare Attack of the Octopus People The Many Faces of Sherlock Holmes Fists of Fire Terreur et glamour : montée et déclin du studio Hammer The Skywalker Legacy The Hidden Master AGFA Mystery Mixtape #2: Later in L.A. It Might Be You Heiße Ware aus Hong Kong Halloween: The Inside Story Dreams Fanex Files: Hammer Films Dracula: Prințul întunericului Famous Monster: Forrest J Ackerman When We Are Married Hammer: Heroes, Legends and Monsters Lolita 49th Parallel Rogue One: O poveste Star Wars Spațiul: 1999 Tales of the Unexpected Răzbunătorii The New Avengers Orson Welles' Great Mysteries Hammer House of Horror Sherlock Holmes The World of Hammer The Zoo Gang Wogan Pride and Prejudice Treffpunkte Sunday Night Theatre