Van Cleave The Court Jester Robinson Crusoe on Mars Crăciunul alb The Colossus of New York The Sainted Sisters Samba-Mania Red, Hot and Blue Project X Hey Boy! Hey Girl! Conquest of Space Sabrina The Lonely Man Asul din gaură Moștenitoarea Destination Space Sweet and Low Crăciunul alb The Trouble with Women Where There's Life Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick Fancy Pants The Goldbergs The Devil's Hairpin Off Limits Quebec Dear Brat The Tin Star Mutra nostimă Easter Parade Anything Goes Blueprint for Robbery Houseboat Sylvia Assault on a Queen Assault on a Queen Alias Nick Beal Appointment with Danger The Space Children Darling, How Could You! Lucy Gallant Champagne for Two