Alan Cox Ultimul dans al lui Mike meseriașu' Elizabeth David: A Life in Recipes Tânărul Sherlock Holmes Cor, Blimey! Mrs. Dalloway The Auteur Theory Act Naturally Not Only But Always Adam Bede The Dinosaur Hunters Die Wasserfälle von Slunj Justice August An Awfully Big Adventure A Voyage Round My Father If You Go Down in the Woods Today Doamnele în lavandă The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Adventures in the Secret Service Say My Name Spărgătorul de nuci The Speed of Thought Gavre Princip - Himmel unter Steinen Dictatorul Watch on the Rhine Crimele din Midsomer The Thin Blue Line Shoestring Spitalul Bellevue Casualty John Adams Lucan Dante: Inferno to Paradise Soția perfectă