Chen Chi-Hwa The Golden Boy: Harvesting a Major New Martial Arts Maverick Long she xia ying Break-Neck Brilliance: A New Era of Jackie Chan and Skeleton-Shattering Stunts 奇蹟 Protectorul Protectorul 2 飛鷹計劃 Frăția Kung-Fu Maestrul bețiv 2 蛇鶴八步 少林木人巷 三十六迷形拳 招半式闖江湖 舞拳 Long she xia ying 新官人我要 好小子2:大戰巨無霸 好小子9:小鬼大哥大 阴阳奇兵 1997 飛虎奇兵 昨夜星辰昨夜風 赤色玫瑰 醉猴女 天庭外傳 Guo Shu Chi Duan 大哥讓位 一眉道姑 Sheng jian feng yun 師弟出馬