Robert Mulligan Gregory Peck: His Own Man Fearful Symmetry Vara anului '42 Să ucizi o pasăre cântătoare Come September The Other The Nickel Ride The Nickel Ride Vara anului '42 The Stalking Moon Up the Down Staircase Same Time, Next Year The Great Impostor Dragoste cu un străin The Man in the Moon Inside Daisy Clover Kiss Me Goodbye Clara's Heart Baby the Rain Must Fall The Pursuit of Happiness The Rat Race Fear Strikes Out Bloodbrothers The Spiral Road The Moon and Sixpence A Man Is Ten Feet Tall The Other Să ucizi o pasăre cântătoare Mr. Matches Kiss Me Goodbye Dragoste cu un străin The Defender (Studio One) The Philco Television Playhouse The Philco Television Playhouse The Philco Television Playhouse The Philco Television Playhouse The Philco Television Playhouse The Philco Television Playhouse The Philco Television Playhouse The Philco Television Playhouse