De dag die wit was

De dag die wit was 2021


A diverse group of people are stuck in a traffic jam on a foggy highway, the mist persists and becomes a cloak of uncertainty.


Night by Night

Night by Night 2021


The night is blue and the moon is yellow. A renowned private eye is hired to observe a lonesome pianist.


For Mouna

For Mouna 2023


Director Spencer Bogaert immerses us in a nostalgic reverie about table tennis, inviting us to an impromptu game of ping-pong in various public spaces. Drawing on his memories, For Mouna openly explores different cinematographic forms and styles to rediscover the joys of play and of childhood.



Noisetrain 2022


Three men, surrounded by sleeping passengers, wake up on a stationary train. When it leaves them behind in a desolate area, a journey through a graphic snowy landscape commences.


It's Raining, It's Pouring

It's Raining, It's Pouring 2023


From the music of American composer Daniel Hart, Belgian filmmakers Wannes Vanspauwen and Pol De Plecker craft a story of a man struggles with his umbrella during a heavy rain storm.. This short film is part of the 2x25 Project of Film Fest Gent and the World Soundtrack Awards. The project commissioned 25 composers to compose a short piece of music, after which 25 filmmakers made short films that are the ultimate symbioses of music and cinematography, fitting completely within the DNA of the festival. The result: 25 exceptional films where the music inspired the form, narrative and texture.