Herman Titov. The First After Gagarin

Herman Titov. The First After Gagarin 2010


Gagarin's surname is known all over the world. The name Titov is not familiar to everyone today. But it could have been the other way around. Herman Titov could become the first cosmonaut of the planet! But just two days before the start, he was appointed Yuri Gagarin's understudy. Before that, they were on a par and, according to experts, Titov was ready to fly better than Gagarin. We will learn about why the world fame did not go to Titov, but Gagarin from the person closest to Titov — his widow Tamara. We also learn from her about the Titov family drama — the death of the firstborn, which could influence the decision of which of the two worthy ones to fly.



Fog 2023


Cinematographer Nastya goes to a remote weather station together with meteorologist Andrey to independently investigate the disappearance of a married couple of meteorologists from the station. As a result, she realizes that Andrei is involved in the disappearance of this couple. But Andrei also suddenly discovers Nastya's connection with the disappeared people…



Faithful 2024


When Tsar Nicholas II abdicated, 43 people agreed to follow him into exile and share his prison life with him. Only 43 - out of the entire multimillion-dollar Russia! Among them there was not a single relative of the Tsar and Tsarina, not a single member of the royal family. There were no close friends of Nikolai P's youth, whose friendship he treasured all his life. Even the Romanovs' blood relatives abroad renounced the Royal Family.


Who Is This Kusturica?

Who Is This Kusturica? 2013


Emir Kusturica views himself as a rock musician and believes that he became a world-famous filmmaker by pure chance, as he shoots his movies only in between concert tours with the “No Smoking Orchestra” band. At these little pinpoints of time he gets “Palms d’Or” at Cannes, “Golden Lions” in Venice, builds his own villages, a power plant and a piste and regrets not becoming a professional football player. Kusturica’s own living is very much similar to his movies, where shoes are polished with cats, death is treated like a story from tabloid press, and life is a miracle...


Yuri Arabov. Mechanics of Fate

Yuri Arabov. Mechanics of Fate 2007


"The fate of a person can not only be explained, but also predicted, using the same laws according to which a screenplay is built," says Yuri Arabov, a well–known Russian screenwriter, winner of the Cannes Film Festival. One day, an inexplicable, at first glance, event occurred in the fate of Arabov himself. He received a call from a man who claimed that he was his father, who had left him with his mother 40 years ago, and whom Arabov himself had long considered dead…


Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vlady. Last Kiss

Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vlady. Last Kiss 2008


The film tells about one of the most beautiful love stories of the 20th century. According to everyone who witnessed the relationship between the famous French actress Marina Vlady and the great Russian poet and actor Vladimir Vysotsky, it was that extraordinary love that we usually read about only in books. Marina Vladi herself will share her memories in an exclusive interview. The film contains rare documentary footage with Vladimir Vysotsky.


Witnesses Of Love

Witnesses Of Love 2018


“To settle for the martyrdom and death for faith, a man must feel the reality of God being and the reality of the other world.” The film is about the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia who martyred for Orthodox faith in the middle of the 20th century.


Overdrive: Return Point

Overdrive: Return Point 2016


A documentary about military pilots who had to make a difficult choice. With the collapse of the USSR, their regiment, along with the Crimea, went to Ukraine. Take the oath to a new country for the second time or leave your home airfield to the north, leave your apartments and even your family?


Pablo Picasso's Russian Wife

Pablo Picasso's Russian Wife 2007


In the film, with the help of family psychologists, an attempt is made to understand the tragic love story of the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and the Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova. Their relationship had all the facets, mistakes and crisis situations that men and women go through at different stages of love…


Irina Rodnina. Invincible

Irina Rodnina. Invincible 2009


Three—time Olympic champion Irina Rodnina is the most famous figure skater in the world. Although she won her gold medals in pair skating, they often talk about her, not about her partners. Paired with Alexey Ulanov, and then with Alexander Zaitsev, she was the undisputed leader despite her small stature. In her life, this word — "contrary" — is more common than others, because by nature she is a fighter, she did not get anything just like that, she had to conquer everything.


Gagarin's Smile

Gagarin's Smile 2009


On April 12, 1961, the whole world learned the name of the man who became the most famous in the history of mankind: Yuri Gagarin. Overnight, he became the idol of millions, and his smile turned into a symbol. However, immediately after Gagarin's flight, a report appeared in Life magazine, in which it was written under the triumphant photo of the First cosmonaut: "This man has everything behind him!". When Gagarin became world famous, he was only 27 years old. The unprecedented fame that befell a simple guy born in a village in the Smolensk region became a much more serious test for Gagarin than his flight around the Earth. People who knew Gagarin well, all as one, repeated: "There was nothing special about him. He was ordinary." But the fact that it was Gagarin who became the First cosmonaut of the planet, if you look into his life, there is an iron logic…


Sad Stringer Puzzle

Sad Stringer Puzzle 2007


This film is about one of these stringers: Michael Schmidt. One of the main questions of the film: what makes a person exist in a situation of constant risk to life? Is it just a game, extreme entertainment or something more? Michael has been covering the Arab-Israeli conflict for many years, where periods of aggravation are replaced by calm. But even during a lull, when there is no front line, there are no thousands of victims, and a bullet will fly over your head, if you only look for it for a long time, the war remains a war...


The Russian Muse

The Russian Muse 2007


The story of the family life of the brilliant Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and the Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova appears as a problem of choosing between the values of life and the goals of art. The necessity of this choice turns sublime love into a struggle for extermination, which, in turn, fuels the creativity of the great artist no less than love.


The Mystery of June 22

The Mystery of June 22 2007


In the documentary, the official version of the outbreak of war is questioned and hypotheses are put forward about the preparation of an attack on Great Britain...


Heroin. Wind from the South

Heroin. Wind from the South 2010


The annual opium production in Afghanistan is equal to 150 billion single doses! This is 25 times more than the population of the globe. At the same time, even if all heroin production in Afghanistan is destroyed now, the current situation is that its reserves will last for future generations for at least another 100 years! At the same time, according to the UN, more than 100 thousand people die from Afghan heroin every year in the world. And every third of them is a Russian! There was no similar situation in the recent (relative to 2010) 2001: there were practically no poppy fields and drug laboratories in Afghanistan. But after the start of the anti-terrorist operation "Indestructible Freedom" (directed against the ruling Afghan Taliban regime and the terrorist organization "Al-Qaeda") and after the introduction of US and NATO military contingents into Afghanistan, the production of opiates has increased 44 times in 9 years here!


Life is Always Concrete

Life is Always Concrete 2011


"Life is always concrete!" – says the hero of the film Anatoly Kanashchenkov throughout his life. At any time – socialist, perestroika, after the collapse of the Union – the "red director" Kanashchenkov emerged victorious from the most difficult situations. However, now, in order to get out of the unfair game of circumstances with dignity, he needs to lose.


The Passion for Solonitsyn

The Passion for Solonitsyn 2006


In 1964, an unknown provincial actor Anatoly Solonitsyn arrives in Moscow in the film crew of the film "Andrei Rublev" and offers himself to the main rod. The Khudsovet, headed by Mikhail Romm, urged Tarkovsky to abandon the dubious candidacy. Turning to specialists in ancient Russian literature and spreading out the photo tests of numerous candidates, Tarkovsky asked: "What face could be the face of Andrei Rublev?". Everyone pointed at Solonitsyn.


Testament. Alexander Zinoviev

Testament. Alexander Zinoviev 2006


Alexander Zinoviev is recognized as an outstanding scientist in the field of sign theory and the theory and theory of induction, is one of the three strongest logicians in the world, Doctor of Philosophy, professor of logic, author of more than 40 books, among which are famous "Gaping Heights".