Frank Stanley Санкция на пике Эйгера The Grasshopper Громила и Скороход Бриолин 2 10 Веселушка Consenting Adult A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich The Carey Treatment Willie Dynamite J.W. Coop Грязный Гарри 2: Высшая сила Wait Till Your Mother Gets Home Katherine The Other Victim Heart of Steel The Prodigal Corvette Summer 1941 Love, Mary Mr. Ricco Secrets of a Mother and Daughter James Dean Wholly Moses Under the Rainbow Snowbeast Том Сойер Passions When Every Day Was the Fourth of July The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang Гавайи The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh Кошмар округа Бэдхэм The Strange Possession of Mrs. Oliver Автомойка Winter Kill Heroes A Separate Peace Большой сговор Nice Girls Don't Stay for Breakfast The Three Wishes of Billy Grier