Charles Kenyon Сто мужчин и одна девушка Окаменевший лес Stop Thief Highway West Сон в летнюю ночь The Iron Horse Ночная сиделка Beating the Game Beating the Game Party Husband Man Wanted The Office Wife Hoodman Blind The Shock Street of Women The Goose and the Gander Bought! Crooner Золотая стрела The Man in Half Moon Street The Road Back Crack-Up Phantom of the Plains Millie It Comes Up Love The Firebird Mandalay Alias the Doctor Mignon Brass Commandments The Penalty A Tale of Two Worlds The Silent Man Under Eighteen My Past Работяга Journal of a Crime Я любил женщину Я любил женщину The Golden Gift The Sacrifice The Light Lady with Red Hair The Wilderness Trail Dick Turpin Dick Turpin The Lone Star Ranger Hell-Roarin' Reform Fighting for Gold The Flaming Frontier The Feud The Feud Cupid's Round Up Husband and Wife Rough-Riding Romance The Lady Objects River's End The Rainbow Trail The Girl on the Barge The Girl on the Barge Second Hand Love The Desert Outlaw The Desert Outlaw The Arizona Romeo The Arizona Romeo Девушка с 10-й авеню Dr. Monica Dr. Monica The Unwritten Code Kindling Millie Dangerous Days Grand Larceny Hearts of Oak Bunty Pulls the Strings The Old Soak The Old Soak The Siren's Song Strange Journey Strange Journey White Tiger The Crash The Roughneck The Fighting Grin Flight from Destiny Surrender The Lost Zeppelin The Rough Lover The Last of the Duanes The Foreign Legion Alias The Deacon Nobody's Wife Painted Lips Salute for Three Surrender Butterflies in the Rain The Goose and the Gander A Man's Mate The Woman from Hell Recaptured Love On the Level The Still Alarm Words and Music by - The Iron Horse