Captain Morten and the Spider Queen

Captain Morten and the Spider Queen 2018


Morten, a ten-year-old boy, is shrunk to the size of an insect due to a magical fog gun. Soon, he finds himself on his makeshift model ship sailing through a flooded cafe.


The Way to Nirvana

The Way to Nirvana 2000


This story is about a young man who wants to go behind the horizon...



Teofrastus 2018


A tale of freedom and compassion, set in the 1980s Soviet Estonia, as experienced by a cat and recounted by its owner. Cat Teofrastus lives a homeless life at a train station. One day, he is offered a home by a family living in a nearby countryside house. However, the happy life is short-lived when the cat is taken to the big city and gets lost on the streets. Will Teofrastus find his way back to happiness?


Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange: A Rapid Love Story

Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange: A Rapid Love Story 2013


Main hero is a singing boat refugee – orange boy Maroc. He dreams about freedom. Lemon girl Lisa collects singing seashells and dreams about love. Lisa’s father is a businessman, owner of a ketchup factory and tomato plantation. He loves money. And so the opera begins: Poor Maroc escapes from his homeland and defying stormy waters take a boat across the sea to the “promised land”. Upon arrival he is forced into being a slave worker in a tomato plantation instead of freedom, democracy, wealth and parties he had hoped for. Despite the initial let down our orange boy is destined to gain happiness – selfish Lisa falls in love with him and sets him free. We see an orange revolution – houses are blown up and tomatoes are made from ketchup, all in the name of democracy! Movie that is full of rebellion and love has happy ending – we will see sour-sweet culmination of lemon girl’s and orange boy’s love.



Lili 2008


A herd of war-torn and hungry rats tries to get an answer to the question of who is Lili Marleen from a mortally wounded young soldier stuck in a projectile funnel. Is it a reminder of first love or first relationship with a prostitute earning her daily bread? Lili Marleen is not just a distant heroine from a song. Every soldier boy has her own Lili, be it his first love from school or just an imagination. But always, no matter what happens, she is waiting for her soldier underneath the lantern by the barrack gate...


Lost and Found

Lost and Found 2005


Six young filmmakers from Central and East Europe developed shorts about the theme of 'generation'.


Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday 2011


"Happy Birthday" is an outlook vision about the duel between the bible hero Jesus and a man-made robot. Does the robot manage to break the formed dogmas and convert the religion into his favour or will the status quo remain firm?


Vares ja hiired

Vares ja hiired 1998


A fairytale about the mice and the raven, which is stronger and which is cleverer.


Body Memory

Body Memory 2011


What can an old apple tree tell us? What mysteries are hidden in his roots, gnarled over time? Does he remember the serpent and the lost Paradise? Our body remembers more than we can expect and imagine. It remembers the sorrow and pain of our predecessors. It keeps alive the stories of our parents and grandparents as well as their ancestors. But how far back is it possible to go in your bodily memory? The stop-motion animation BODY MEMORY takes as its central concept the idea that our body remembers, not only individual experiences, but also the sorrow and pain of our predecessors. A powerful visualization of subconscious processes and the hidden horror of deportation. Inspired by historical events: the Soviet deportations from Estonia in the 1940s.


Kings of the Time

Kings of the Time 2008


A documentary with elements of animation about 85-year-old Elbert Tuganov and 80-year-old Heino Pars - two animators and artists who despite changing times have become masters of their domain. The exact time of the real events in the documentary is not actually essential. It may be yesterday, today, tomorrow... And it may happen to you... and to me... However, in the film, it all took place in the 1950s, the time when the first Sputnik was launched to space, rivers were reversed and hydraulic power plants built.


Sky Song

Sky Song 2010


A postman endeavors to fly to the moon in one breath so he can deliver a package.


Saamuel's Internet

Saamuel's Internet 2000


Part of the puppet film trilogy "Gabbage Head," the film features the main character - the stubborn and selfish peasant Saamuel - and his loyal partner Pink Piglet. The actions take place in Internet, into where Saamuel and his Piglet get by accident. Saamuel understands the importance of information and starts do deal with it.


Mary and the Seven Dwarfs

Mary and the Seven Dwarfs 2017


Having spent her entire life behind the convent walls, old and dignified nun Mary decides to fulfill her childhood dream. The only obstacle on her way is her fragmentary, almost non-existent memory. Mary is afraid that her ultimate dream may turn out to be a sin instead.


Hing sees

Hing sees 2002


A little boy and his big dream - toy soldiers with souls, who would close their eyes, when dying.


Inherent Obligations

Inherent Obligations 2008


Short film from Rao Heidmets about voyeurism, violence and media. Mixing live action with stop motion animation.


A Most Exquisite Man

A Most Exquisite Man 2021


There exists a most exquisite man, or at least the world that surrounds him labels and sees him as such. He has fantastic abilities, incomprehensible talent, he could even be called a genius, yet something within him is restless. Big questions utterly absorb him, leading him to a place where all he can do is surrender his life, in order to find that which gives him and the natural world undeniable purpose and concluding peace.


Troublemaker Tommy

Troublemaker Tommy 2021


There are too many people and animals at the zoo. Everybody is very pleased with the situation, especially the animals. The woods are forbidden. None of the adults dare go into the woods. The children, however, find themselves there. When it turns out no one is going to rescue them from the woods, the children won't give up, but start building a machine that would help them.



Instinct 2003


What happens when the Maker loses control over his creation and it starts to obey its own will?


The Pearlman

The Pearlman 2006


A smart leader can keep the culture of his nation homogeneous for a long time, but he is helpless against the interchange of genes.