V pasci

V pasci 2016


Detská psychologička Mary Portman prišla pri tragickej automobilovej nehode o manžela. Jej syn Stephen síce nehodu prežil, ale zostal vo vegetatívnom stave upútaný na lôžko. Pre Mary sa život zmenil v nepretržitú starostlivosť o paralyzované dieťa. V jej veľkom dome uprostred lesov v nej narastá pocit samoty a izolácie. Všetko zmení príchod nového pacienta. Malý chlapec Tom sa po smrti matky uzavrel do seba. Mary sa rozhodne zobrať Toma v rámci liečby k sebe domov. Uprostred zúriacej snehovej búrky však chlapec z domu zmizne. Šanca, že prežil vonku mrazivú noc, je nulová. Mary si je však istá, že Toma vo svojom dome niekoľkokrát uvidela. Z miestností sa ozývajú zvláštne zvuky, v dome sa začínajú diať čudné veci. Niekto alebo niečo ju ohrozuje. Mary a Stephen už nie sú vo svojom domove v bezpečí. S narastajúcou hrôzou nadobúda Mary presvedčenie, že ju prenasleduje duch mŕtveho chlapca…



Sarazanmai 2019


After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school students Kazuki, Toi and Enta are transformed into kappas -creatures from japanese folklore- by Keppi, self-proclaimed prince of the Kappa Kingdom. If they want to regain their human form, they must collect the five Dishes of Hope for him, which fulfill the wishes of whoever possesses them. To do so, they will fight against the kappa-zombies and extract their "shirikodama", the mythical organ containing humans' deepest desires. Two policemen, Reo and Mabu, are the ones behind this evil scheme, turning humans into zombies as agents of the Otter Empire, enemy of the Kappa Kingdom since ancient times. In the guise of "Kappazon, Inc.", they control society by manipulating the desires of the masses for their own goals. To succeed in their mission, the boys must be connected through the "Sarazanmai", revealing their most intimate secrets in the process...



MotherLover 2012


Tim returns home from the Peace Corps to find that his best friend Chaz has married his mother. Now the two friends must live under one roof after one has broken the number one rule in bro code: don't marry your bro's mom.