Slušní chlapci

Slušní chlapci 2020


Dej sa točí okolo Američana Mickeyho Pearsona, ktorý si v Londýne vybudoval výnosné marihuanové impérium. Keď sa v podsvetí začne šuškať, že chce skončiť s biznisom a odísť z trhu, rozbehne sa kolotoč klamstiev, úplatkov, vydierania a zákerných podrazov, v ktorom chce každý zo zúčastnených získať čo najväčší podiel pre seba.


Lietam v tom

Lietam v tom 2009


Ryan Bingham lieta pracovne z miesta na miesto, je neustále v pohybe... až do chvíle, keď sa počas jedného letu dá do reči so spolucestujícou Alex. Zistí, že zmyslom života nie je len cesta, ale tiež vzťahy, ktoré na nej človek nadviaže.


Tanec je moja vášeň

Tanec je moja vášeň 2003


Talentovaná Honey Daniels je hip-hopová tanečnica, ktorá sa živí ako barmanka a vo voľnom čase učí tanec znevýhodnené deti v komunitnom mládežníckom centre. Jej snom je stať sa úspešnou tanečnicou. Zaujme hudobného režiséra Michaela Ellisa, ktorý ju obsadí do jedného zo svojich videoklipov a dokonca jej ponúkne prácu choreografky. S novonadobudnutým bohatstvom si Honey začne menej všímať svoje kamarátky a deti, ktoré chodia na hodiny hip-hopu. Čoskoro sa ukáže, že Michaelov záujem o Honey nie je čisto profesionálny. Začne ju čoraz viac využívať ako atraktívnu spoločníčku, s ktorou vymetá večierky, a nakoniec jej dá jasne najavo, čím sa mu musí odvďačiť za kariéru, ktorú jej urobil. Honey stojí pred rozhodnutím, či zaplatí túto cenu za svoj úspech, alebo sa vráti k svojim skutočným priateľom? Keď Michaela odmietne, dostane sa na čiernu listinu. Má to katastrofálny vplyv na jej začínajúcu kariéru...


Podnikavé dievča

Podnikavé dievča 1988


Tess McGillová, mladá žena z newyorského predmestia, pracuje v jednej z veľkých firiem ako radová sekretárka. V porovnaní so svojimi kolegyňami je však ambiciózna a túži po vyššom postavení na spoločenskom rebríčku. Aj keď všetky pokusy zatiaľ zlyhali, nevzdáva sa. Keď sa jej nová šéfka, elegantná Katherine Parkerová, vyberie na dovolenku do Álp, požiada Tess, aby sa jej starala o byt. Tam však Tess zistí, že Katherine si privlastnila niektoré jej obchodné nápady, a pretože nie je z tých, čo by to nechali len tak. Využije to, že si Katherine zlomila nohu a vráti sa z hôr o niečo neskôr.


Pivní bratia

Pivní bratia 1998


Dvaja stroskotanci z Milwaukee vymyslia novú hru podobnú basketbalu s bejzbalovými pravidlami. Z hry sa cez noc stane hit, ktorý zaujme aj jedného miliardára. S jeho pomocou sa Coopovi s Remerom podarí sformovať profesionálnu ligu.



Extrakt 2009


Joel je vlastníkom firmy, ktorá získava výťažky z rastlín. Zdá sa, že už čoskoro zarobí poriadne peniaze, ale potom sa na neho začne valiť jedna katastrofa za druhou. Najskôr sa jeden z jeho zamestnancov nešťastnou náhodou vážne zraní, potom Joel zistí, že s manželkinou vernosťou to nie je tak, ako si myslel, a ďalšie problémy so zamestnancami nedajú na seba dlho čakať, najmä keď sa na neho zameria právnik Dean. Joelov jeho plánovaný pokojný život je v ohrození, a preto musí podniknúť niečo výnimočné.



Mary 2019



Včera v noci

Včera v noci 2010


Michael a Joanna sú šťastní novomanželia, kým Joanna nezačne mať podozrenie, že jej manžela príliš priťahuje jeho atraktívna kolegyňa Laura. Ich manželstvo je vystavené ťažkej skúške, keď Michael odchádza s Laurou na služobnú cestu. Okrem toho sa Joanna v to ráno stretne so svojím bývalým priateľom Alexom a prijme jeho pozvanie na večeru. Tak sa začína dlhá noc, ktorá bude pre Joannu aj Michaela skutočnou skúškou vernosti...



Korporácia 2003


Od konca 18-teho storočia, americké právne rozhodnutie, že na organizačný model obchodných spoločností sa nazerá ako na osobu, sa stalo dominantnou ekonomickou, politickou a spoločenskou silou na celej Zemi. Tento film do hĺbky psychologicky skúma organizačný model skrz rozličné prípadové štúdie. Čo štúdia osvetľuje je, že vo svojom správaní, sa tento typ "osoby" typicky správa ako nebezpečne deštruktívny psychopat bez svedomia. Ďalej vidíme hrozbu, ktorú tento psychopat predstavuje pre náš svet a našu budúcnosť, ale tiež čo môžu ľudia s odvahou, inteligenciou a odhodlaním urobiť, aby ju zastavili.


Gold Rush

Gold Rush 2010


Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new claims, new machines and new ways to pull gold out of the ground, the stakes are higher than ever. But will big risks lead to an even bigger pay out?


The Story of Pearl Girl

The Story of Pearl Girl 2024


After narrowly escaping an abusive pearl farm, a young woman with unmatched talent carves out her own fate as treachery meets the world of jewelry.


Beauty in Black

Beauty in Black 2024


A stripper's fate takes a turn when she crosses paths with the wealthy, dysfunctional family behind a cosmetics dynasty and a devious trafficking scheme.


Lighter and Princess

Lighter and Princess 2022


As soon as Zhu Yun started college life, the world was completely turned upside down by the intrusion of "bad boy" Li Xun. He was regarded by Zhu Yun as a rich, ignorant and incompetent son, but his real identity was actually a special admissions student who was admitted by the school, and a rare programming genius. After several confrontations, the two have some appreciation for each other. The senior Fang Zhijing made things difficult for Zhu Yun many times, Li Xun took action to protect Zhu Yun, and invited her to join the preparation team he set up to win a major programming competition on behalf of the school.


Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under 2001


When death is your business, what is your life? For the Fisher family, the world outside of their family-owned funeral home continues to be at least as challenging as—and far less predictable than—the one inside.


Love Designer

Love Designer 2020


The love story between a fashion designer and a man in the e-commerce industry. Fashion designer Zhou Fang met Song Lin because of a lawsuit. They were a mismatch from the very start but had to cooperate due interdependence in their lives and their work. Having two hard-headed people together was bound to result in conflicts but in the process of competing with each other, Zhou Fang and Song Lin gradually fall in love. As they seek to be better versions of themselves, Zhou Fang works hard to create a sophisticated brand while Song Lin who prioritizes efficiency above all pushes for a breakthrough in his career.


Nothing But Thirty

Nothing But Thirty 2020


Wang Man Ni is a strong-spirited lady who prides herself for having both beauty and brains and believes that she deserves better than what she has. As she falls in love with a man, she marries him immediately, yet later finds out that their differences are taking a huge toll on their relationship. Gu Jia was the homemaker behind her husband’s success from a nerdy programmer to the CEO of a company. She was also the perfect image of a full-time housewife. When another woman threatens her marriage, she doesn’t back down and tries hard to save her relationship with her husband. Zhong Xiao Qin is an ordinary woman with an ordinary job, married to a man with a stable career. She is also a casual writer. One day, the unthinkable happens when the copyrights for her novels are suddenly sold at an exorbitant price, thus turner her into the breadwinner of the family. As a power imbalance is seen between Zhong Xiao Qin and her husband, their marriage is also shaken.


Shark Tank

Shark Tank 2009


Aspiring entrepreneurs pitch various business ideas to "The Sharks" -- tough, self-made, multi-millionaire and billionaire tycoons -- in hopes of landing an investment.


Only Fools and Horses

Only Fools and Horses 1981


The misadventures of two wheeler dealer brothers Del Boy and Rodney Trotter of 'Trotters Independent Traders PLC' who scrape their living by selling dodgy goods believing that next year they will be millionaires.


Brocade Odyssey

Brocade Odyssey 2024


Ji Yingying, a spirited woman from the Shu brocade, strives to restore her family’s honor and rebuild their legacy. Facing powerful rivals and the looming threat of Nanzhao Kingdom, she joins forces with Yang Jinglan to revive the Shu brocade industry and safeguard its artisans.


What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

What's Wrong with Secretary Kim 2018


Lee Young-Joon's family runs a large company and he works as the vice-president of the company. He is smart, rich and handsome, but he is arrogant. His secretary is Kim Mi-So. She has worked for him for years and she is perfect for him, but Kim Mi-So decides to quit her job.


Today's Webtoon

Today's Webtoon 2022


The story is about a woman who struggles together with her coworkers to mature into a true webtoon editor after joining the webtoon editorial department. On Ma Eum, who enters the webtoon editorial department after beating all odds. She has a large appetite, a great sense of smell, and cauliflower ears typical of a fighter as a former standing member for the judo national team. On Ma Eum had to quit her athletic career when an unfortunate accident during a match tore her ankle ligament, but she begins to dream anew when she coincidentally delivers food to the webtoon editorial department.


Game of Hunting

Game of Hunting 2017


Headhunter Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know the meaning of defeat. There is no limit to how much he is willing to do to succeed in the hunting ground that is the world of business. He is also incredibly close to his girlfriend, Luo Yi Ren, and truly cares for his best friend from college, Bai Li Qin. Along with the guidance of his mentor Lin Bai, Zheng Qiu Dong tries to rise to the top and goes to war with other headhunters and businessmen. These include the shady and relentless Yuan Kun and the very capable and very dangerous Chen Xiu Feng. It’s a battle of quick wits, and Zheng Qiu Dong slips up. He loses it all. Now out of both time and luck, Zheng Qiu Dong is in prison and at the end of his rope. But if there’s one thing Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know, it’s how to give up. With the help of his prison comrade Liu Liang Ti, the once successful Zheng Qiu Dong has to get it all back. But as the former headhunter soon learns, this hunt quickly becomes a game of death.


Good Every Day

Good Every Day 2021


He Da Ye has always focused more on her career rather than her love life, and has, therefore, been seen by her peers as an old leftover-woman. She did once walk down the aisle with Luo Chang, but the marriage didn't last long and the two divorced and remained as close friends. Both of them cared and helped each other out, but never tried to get closer than that. That is, until the angry model Zhang Meng came into Da Ye's life who has his own problems with his career experiencing a stagnation


The Rational Life

The Rational Life 2021


Shen Ruo Xin is a thirty-something professional who decides to take a stand against unfair societal expectations At her workplace she finds herself drawn to two different men - one her trusted, younger assistant, the other her bachelor boss. Knowing she is considered a 'leftover woman' weighs heavily on her. Will she opt to marry the man society deems appropriate, or will she listen to her heart and screw up the courage to pursue a romance with the younger man?



VIP 2019


The staff in charge of catering to the desires of a department store's top clientele try to keep their not-so-luxurious personal lives afloat.



Forevermore 2014


This is the story of Xander, the rebellious and irresponsible unico hijo of a hotel magnate, and the feisty and hardworking Strawberry Jam Queen of La Trinidad, Benguet, Agnes. Xander and Agnes’ extraordinary relationship starts after an intoxicated Xander crash lands his parachute into a strawberry truck. To teach him a lesson, his parents made him pay for the damages he caused by making him work at the strawberry farm under the guidance of Agnes and other strawberry farmers.