Kľúčové slovo Naive
Bláznivá služobka 2011
Tim Lippe celý život žil v ospalom mestečku Brown Valley vo Wisconsine, kde bol zasnúbený so svoju učiteľkou zo siedmej triedy Macy Vanderheiovou a pracoval ako poisťovací agent, aby chránil sny ľudí. Timov život však čoskoro naberie celkom iné obrátky, keď sa vyberie do "veľkomesta" Cedar Rapids na dôležitú konferenciu poisťovacích agentov. Od chvíle, keď sa zapíše na recepcii, je zrejmé, že nesmelý Tim nemá o modernom živote ani potuchy. Katastrofa sa začne, keď mu cestu skríži cestu skúsený lev salónov a vymetač večierkov Dean Ziegler. Netrvá dlho a Tim sa už dopúšťa šialených výstrelkov, nahý sa kúpe v hotelovom bazéne, domáha sa vstupu na párty a podlieha čaru zvodnej viacnásobnej mamičky. Ak Tim tento víkend prežije, jeho život už nikdy nebude ako predtým.
Slečna zamilovaná 2009
Zmätkárska Mary Horowitzová tvorí krížovky pre Sacramento Herald. Keď si z nej všetci uťahujú, že je ešte stále nezadaná, prijme rande naslepo, ktoré jej dohodia rodičia. Šarmantný Steve, kameraman CNN s neodolateľným úsmevom, sa Mary okamžite zapáči a o niekoľko minút je už presvedčená, že je tým pravým mužom jej života. z jeho strany to však vôbec tak nie je. Veď sa mu nepodarí Mary ani pobozkať, pretože stále rozpráva. Zdá sa, že z toho nič nebude.
Έμπαινε Κίτσο! 1968
Genrehyppääjä 2024
L'Oeuf au plat 2021
The Legend of the Blue Sea 2016
A mermaid from the Joseon period ends up in present-day Seoul, where she crosses paths with a swindler who may have ties to someone from her past.
Servant x Service 2013
Imagine if three people suddenly found themselves as civil servants of the city Mitsuba. What sort of personalities and drives would they have to push them to seek out such careers? Lucy Yamagami, a serious young woman assigned to the Welfare Administrative Section, intends to use the job as a means of settling a vendetta against another civil servant. Yutaka Hasebe, a flirtatious young man assigned to the First Section of the Welfare Department, intends to slack off whenever he can and have a good time. And Saya Miyoshi, a college graduate assigned to the Second Section of the Welfare Department, intends to simply get through the first job she's had in her life as best she can. Servant x Service follows these three newcomers starting their jobs as government employees under their supervisor, Taishi Ichimiya, who is utterly clueless about how to direct them—despite having worked there for the last eight years. Nevertheless, he welcomes them as fellow civil servants and encourages them to work themselves like dogs for the sake of the citizens. We follow their day-to-day lives as they experience the rigors of government employment, including dealing with regulations, office romances, paperwork, and being the nearest punching bags when citizens need something to complain about.