
Fakulta 1998


Na jednej strednej škole v Ohiu začne vyčíňať mimozemský parazit, ktorý sa zmocnil učiteľa telocviku Willisa a ovládol jeho telo. Postupne sa zmocňuje aj ďalších členov profesorského zboru, ktorých správanie sa zásadným spôsobom mení. V tom čase nastupuje do školy nesmelá študentka Marybeth, ktorá sa postupne stretáva s hlavnými aktérmi príbehu.


Alfa a Omega: Volanie divočiny

Alfa a Omega: Volanie divočiny 2010


Čo nemôže chýbať správnemu dobrodružstvu na ceste? Stopovanie, naskakovanie do rozbehnutých nákladiakov, nahnevané medvede, pichľavé dikobrazy alebo stretnutie s husou golfistkou a káčerom čoby nosičom palíc. Len sa opýtajte Kate a Humphrey! Sú to dvaja vlci z jednej svorky. Ale s poriadnymi rozdielmi. Kate je z rodu Alfa a jej otec je jeden z vodcov svorky, takže sa mladá vlčia dáma musí správať podľa toho - vznešene a zodpovedne voči osudu celej rodiny. Humphrey je Omega vlk, to znamená, že stojí na najnižšej priečke hierarchie. To mu umožňuje byť absolútne slobodný - trávi celé dni s kamarátmi, baví sa a neviazane zabáva. Aby zabezpečil pokoj vo svorke, otec Kate sa rozhodne zasnúbiť svoju dcéru so synom konkurenčného Alfa samca. Avšak, čiaru cez rozpočet všetkým plánom urobia ľudia.


Pani Bovaryová

Pani Bovaryová 2015


Emma Bovaryová je obeťou stredostavovských konvencií polovice 19. storočia. Ako mladé romantické dievča ju vydali za dedinského lekára, a ona tak spoznáva ubíjajúcu monotónnosť manželského života. Snaží sa pred nudou uniknúť malým flirtom a márnotratnými nákupmi, čo značne otrasie rodinným rozpočtom...



Wow 1970




Osomatsu-kun 1988


The adventures of con-artist Iyami and his sidekick Chibita as they constantly get foiled by a group of trouble-making sextuplets. The series also focuses on the similarly comical and bizarre members of the town, and the far-out situations they get into.


Mrs. Fazilet and Her Daughters

Mrs. Fazilet and Her Daughters 2017


The story of Fazilet, mother of Hazan and Ece, eager to make money using the modeling skills of her younger daughter, Ece. While Hazan pursues a career as a coach in sports, far from her mother's wishes and falls in love with a rich spoiled man.


Room at the Top

Room at the Top 2012


Joe leaves working-class, industrial Dufton behind him and takes a job as senior audit clerk at the town hall in affluent Warley. He takes lodgings at the poshest part of the town and starts to make his mark on local society.


K-Pop Idols

K-Pop Idols 2024


Glitz meets grit in this backstage pass to artists from around the world. Through trials and triumphs, Jessi, CRAVITY, and BLACKSWAN give everything they've got to an art form that demands nothing less than perfection.


A Bit of a Do

A Bit of a Do 1989


A Bit of a Do is a British comedy drama series based on the books by David Nobbs. The show starred David Jason and was aired on ITV in 1989. It was made for the ITV network by Yorkshire Television. The show was set in a fictional Yorkshire town. Each episode took place at a different social function and followed the changing lives of two families, the working-class Simcocks and the middle-class Rodenhursts, together with their respective friends, Rodney and Betty Sillitoe, and Neville Badger. The series begins with the wedding of Ted and Rita Simcock's son Paul to Laurence and Liz Rodenhurst's daughter Jenny; an event at which Ted and Liz begin an affair. The subsequent fallout from this affair forms the basis for most of the first series.


Struggle for Life

Struggle for Life 2014


The struggle for existence is about the linguist Tomasz Novak (28) traveling from Warsaw to Norway to collect what he believes is a quick buck from a father he has never met. His project is proving to take time and along the way he becomes ever more integrated in the Norwegian society, represented by a privileged and well-meaning group of citizens, which in turn gives us a picture of the current Norwegian life.



Labels 2020


In the online documentary series Labels, VRT NWS reporter Yassine Atari (23) visit young people who get a "label". Yassine talks with them about the prejudices, clichés, and labels. Yassine finds out what drives them, what makes them happy, what makes them sad.